Why is he picking a fight with a potential future WWE signee...

Why is he picking a fight with a potential future WWE signee? Not just any signee but one of 3 most sought after British wrestlers in the world. I hope Triple H gives him an earful for fucking up the company's business.

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Makes for a better fued down the line anyway

You'd think as you typed this you'd realise it's just a fake work like every other twitter slapfight involving a WWE wrestler and laying the groundwork for an inevitable feud and '''dream match'''. Why do you think Ospreay never took any real shots?

Ospreay is literally never going to WWE. He just moved to Japan, and by the time he’s done in Japan he’ll basically be a cripple.

>by the time he’s done in Japan he’ll basically be a cripple
That's the old Ospreay

Will Ospreay started talking shit to him first

Ospreay knows he's going to sign one day and WWE does too. It's not that big of a deal and they honestly might think this helps.

Nah Will is already hurting really bad apparently. The damage seems to be mostly done, and he still does really unnecessarily stupid spots.


Yeah, the """top guy""" of your company shit talking a guy Gaytch has been trying to nab for years probably isn't going to do them any favors.

>The G1 is something I want to do before I go to WWE
I don't think so, buddy.

Sure, Ospreay would totally choose jobbing to Baron Corbin over guaranteed main events wrestling Kenny Omega.

Imagine actually think WWE gives a shit about this Indie faggot

Because it's a work, you mong

They're top champ right now was an indie faggot.

Still in the minors. Only europeans with an inferiority complex and internet faggots that care about that crap.

>WWE & NJPW Wrestlers
>working with each other

They're probably friends. Most indy geek shitters are. This is nothing.

Money and miles, ya mark.

> why is a wrestler feuding with another wrestler that can be signed

Gee guys I wonder why...

Will is obviously signing with WWE.
Laughing hard at all the marks in these threads who think this is real.
Simps, every one of em.

That's not at all what he said and you were told this when you posted it earlier. Here's another (you) anyway.

summer of 92’, nash

Cringe. Everyone knows that Cuckerrero was raped by a pack of Bulbasaurs in a scorching summer night of 89’, ya manlet nerd.