Based Boomer owning Zoomer online troll
based big BBQ jr
based sauce purveyor jr shut that zoomer retard down
This is fucking amazing, he just demolished the whole reddit colony era of Yea Forums in one Tweet and he probably doesn't even know what Yea Forums is.
Absolute legend.
Fucking based, zoomer BTFO
JR was not very respectful or classy to Jay White
I disagree, it's clear JR got WORKED because he's a senile boomer who doesn't understand the internet. The troll not only got a response from JR, but he also worked JR. also:
>Boomer meme on twitter
I guarantee you that idiot posts the feels face and has a folder of them
>has SIX fucking heart emoticons next to their name
>asking if they are desperate for attention
It's kinda hard to take boomers seriously about the PC shit when they cry as soon as someone tells them to shut up.
Moody gym selfie retweeted by Roots of FIght Blocks your path
Only a true blue zoomer would think jrs response is crying. Go back to fortnite.
shut up
Don't worry, just like all the other SJW numales hypocrites he's just pretending to think that
Based Boomer
Good job, you or whoever the pic is from is literally a direct and notable cause of this website and the Internet's decline... Hope you're happy
>saving nazi wojaks
go back
>not knowing the difference between respect/class and forced political correctness
It's past your bedtime zoomer
But this is literally how yall react to everything. You claim the left is snowflakes, but you're constantly bitching about something - usually retarded.
LMAO you boomers live in a world where you're deserved class and respect, but everyone you hate is deserved nothing but mindless venom and vitriol. Boomercide is needed.
>you or whoever the pic is from is literally a direct and notable cause of this website and the Internet's decline
why though?
Pinky promise I believe what I say, buddy. If I thought like you, I'd literally kill myself.
stop crying
>you're deserved
did anyone else envision JR saying that tweet out of the side of his mouth?
How many times do you use a variation of "SJW' "cuck" "libtard" "nigger" "kike" "((()))" "spic" "gook" "cultural marxism" "outrage culture " in a month, you think? :^)
Funny how when a community blasts the past out of the water like wrestling and its fans during the AE and Hulkamania, they don't talk about it or brag about it, they just do it; but a community that is despised and leeches off a mountain in its past that gives it shade, like current wrestling and its fans, you constantly brag about how new you are and how little you have to do with the era of testosterone
You can see this anywhere. In wrestling it gave us "please retire" chants and whiny environmentalist promos, and Ricky Steamboat being forced to read from a script that Daniel Bryan is better than him, on Yea Forums it gave us the "*sip* boomer" posts.
Sheerly the result of a war of attrition against tradition and the customs and unwritten rules that go with having a soul fit for the task. Yea Forums and wrestling happen to be two communities once defined by ostracizing haters of tradition and of the pudding that holds proof. All the more vicious, then, is the revolt against reason.
Once again I say: eat the pudding that holds illusion.
because I'm based (pic related)
I bet you don't even have a folder of Holocaust/Sopranos "Ay Tone" memes faggot
>he doesn't even know the name of the meme
you can leave now newfag
If only you knew how bad things really are.
I appreciate the effort pal but this post is way too smart for Yea Forums
JR is a sad case. Formerly one of the greatest announcers of all time now wasting his life at some outlaw fed with fucking Excalibur and some other literal who.
>Getting cucked by the number 5.
at least you admit you're a söyboy poofter
I'm well aware that posters of the feels face (a name which it has always been called, so you're exposing yourself like people who say reddit spacing do) invented a stupid nickname with the letters W and K in order to ingratiate themselves and insidiously slip into the bloodstream of the site's culture, hoping that it'll make it some kind of mascot that represents the place when it couldn't be further from that. I'm using the real name instead.
Its not actually with him
>Implying a nigga with Bell's Palsy can see the phone clearly enough
>3 paragraphs in a shitpost thread
PLEASE have sex
It would be even sadder if he was still wasting his life in the tarp leagues
based retard driving down the board iq one post at a time
literally proving point
just enough time to look it up on Google and 4plebs I see
It wasn't an argument. Stop seething.
Based Cascadia and wizard wojak
>muh iq totally gets me pussy, let me show this guy on an anime image board on a beautiful summer day
JR's response is cringe but the guy he's responding to is even cringier
based retard worked into another shoot for the 5th time today because hes too stupid to know any better
Please kill yourself and get out of here. Not necessarily in that order
Based Sauce Slinger burying this no-name jabroni autwitter homo
Normally I love to laugh at boomers
But JR is too based, I just can't