There hasn't been a single new funny Yea Forums meme in 2019

There hasn't been a single new funny Yea Forums meme in 2019.

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You have the shittest memory

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>Jakeposter/Mertie&Gertie poster

That's now new though.


That's a classic Yea Forums meme though

Guess you missed the new jack kayak thread

That’s old as fuck ya simp

You can thank Reddit crossposters for that.

SC and SCJerk are full of our fucking memes, which means a whole bunch of literal fucking redditors have come here.

If you’re the type of faggot to go inn reddit and start using Yea Forums memes you should grab a gun and kill yourself.


Coxposting is high quality and high intellect

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Because this board has turned to Reddit and a refuge for third worlders. Alas every good thing must come to an end

New jack posting is funny

ya seethe?
i post about the summer of 92 on SCJerk all the time and farm upvotes
there's nothing you can do to stop me

Yowie wowie! Did you miss me?

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how can we combat this? More niggerposting? Redditors love niggers right?

The guy who has been forcing the ricochet meme should be hanged from a tree

Sadly, this may be the last good meme to come out of this place. It's not even funny to Nashpost anymore since Reddit picked it up.

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We focused all our attention on the Summer of 92 and took it to new heights


now theres a failed meme if i've ever seen one

New Jack paddlin' is going over, brother

>/wwe/ fags destoryed Yea Forums
>redditors destroy nu-Yea Forums
You reap what you sow, faggots

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Grinning at you fucking dump boy

Varying degrees of quality but:
>you tell me
>huh? what u mean?
>God forbid someone try something new
>Ricochet finger poppin'
>kayfabe posting
>New Jack posting
>Cox posting
>Jake poster
>Naked Mideon poster
>Rikishi ass poster

All 2019

*smiles in ape*

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Also Steph cunt posting and soon-posting

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Huh wat u mean?

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This is Paul Michael Levesque, talking to David Bautista Jr.

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Gaitch, gib

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Janny... Kiss my ass

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*Sells out your image board in your path*

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I was in the thread when this meme debuted and we were all in shocked silence at how great it was.

Poeposter was based but too highbrow for this retard board.

This feud was a goldmine


based batista came back one more time to give us gifts

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>Implying that 2018 was a great year

it was. you must've missed out


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>huh? what u mean?
You gotta go back.

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fuck off back to R*ddit newfaggetty


Do you think we can make this funny looking face drawing the next Yea Forums meme of 2019?

Attached: 6799.jpg (3840x2160, 315K)

It had it's moments

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>he missed the new Jack kayak thread


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Kek that was actually kind of a fun one, how many weeks did that dude claim he went?

>Yea Forums 2016 was thirty years ago
That was peak Yea Forums.

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Unironically only discovered this board last year bros but I’ve never been on plebbit
So where did this one come from? I dont recall ever seeing it on any other board and it seems to have had a resurgence here past month or two

>he never lived through the reign of terror
You ain't a real Yea Forumsie then bruv. You're a newfag visitor through and through.


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I can deal with being a jobber for a while mate, got to start somewhere