Should he have had the belt more than 3 times? Given all he's done

Should he have had the belt more than 3 times? Given all he's done.

Attached: Mick_Foley.jpg (180x252, 16K)

What do all of his reigns even come out to? Like, 20 days combined? His TNA title run was pretty based tho.

No he won it a perfect amount of times

Why not bring him out of retirement and give him the few extra runs he deserves? Since no one stays retired anymore.

It was a formality in a time which the belt actually had some weight to it, but he never needed it to be over so it was a waste to put it on him.

Thats my point. I mean Triple H has won it like 14 times and while H has his ups and downs, was a better politician and was wrestling for longer but GOD DAMN Foley is a god and never once failed to put people over. I don't WANT Foley to have like 20+ title wins. Just idk I always thought 3 was low.

I unironically want to kick his head in until he dies

No, he is my favorite of all time but they booked the title perfectly in between the screwjob and the invasion ("attitude era" proper).

Underdogs holding onto the belt for a long time is stupid.

Wish he would have took the belt off Triple H at either the 2000 Rumble or No Way Out and had a run as Cactus

Foley isn't in like The Rock shape. The man was torn apart and is currently held together with rubber bands and DDP Yoga. Another run could kill him for real.

3 is fine. the number of days is laughably low but thats bc it was the monday night wars and they hot-potatoed it for ratings. also he and stone cold both peaked in popularity at the same time, but stone cold made 100x more dimes than him. you have to judge his career in context.

He only should have won it once and even that it worked because it made Vince work angry.

You got the wrong mindset in this user, being a 14+ title holder means jackshit on its own, let alone when you are the fucking CEO of the fucking goddamn company, it never means a single shit besides being on a ego-trip, but if you look at 98~2004 Foley, there's not a bad thing to say about the guy, and he gave us some goddamn amazing matches and we all remember him because of his work and love for it, and he was 3 times world champion and that's more than enough to recognize him, also great moments mind you.

It's much better like this.

he said recently that he would come out of retirement for right amount of money. but the saudis probably don't like him enough for that

Yeah but probably super duper slow.

The only reason he even got the third (one-day) reign is because Stone Cold refused to do the job for Triple H at Summerslam '99, so he jobbed to Mankind then Mankind jobbed to Triple H the next night. Austin was the only one who ever semi-successfully held Triple H to account for his shit. The original plan for the event was Austin vs. Chyna for the belt (a plan pushed by Triple H to try to cool Austin off).

He likes Becky Lynch so much, he should have an intergender match with her where she throws him off the cage through an ungimmicked announce table.

>in like The Rock shape
You mean getting gassed from gesticulating during satellite interviews? Mick will be fine, the Saudi's want to watch him die in the ring anyways. Put him in a best out of three falls no DQ match with Seffer, that'll go well.

No, 3 times is about right. But he should have held it for at least a little bit longer each time.

Here is the list of WWE Champions who held the belt for a shorter time than Foley and didn't also hold the World Heavyweight Championship:
>Buddy Rogers
>Ivan Koloff
>The Iron Sheik
>Stan Stasiak
>Vince McMahon
>Andre the Giant
>Rob Van Dam
So, to recap, Foley held the title longer than:
>a guy who had to drop the title because of a heart attack
>a guy who got suspended for a drug arrest
>three transitional pre-Hogan champions
>Vince McMahon
>the person who least needed a belt to get over

I guess a positive spin would be that mick is similar to Andre?

I never "traded tapes" which was a thing back then. But somehow I got my hands on a Cactus Jack Deathmatch tape (it was a whole tournament of Deathmatches). That shit was bananas and e-drones, Mankindcucks, etc will never know what pure kino is.

plenty of e-drones saw his deathmatch stuff after he wrote about it in his memoirs. you are not special.

I saw it because I found a Stranglemania VHS in a shitty record store in Gatlinburg, TN of all places.

Austin was right here, HHH was not at Foley or Austin’s level in 1999, and wouldn’t be for another 6 months or so when Foley killed himself putting him over

I never got this because the next time Austin fought HHH one on one he lost and never got his win back.

Are you referring to No Way Out 2001? That was like a year and a half later, and Triple H had been main eventing the whole time in between. They also had to overbook the crap out of it to get Austin to do the job. Things change.

Watching it on YouTube in 2011 after decades of desensitization by prowrestling, video games, music and film versus back in '94 when the only time you saw blood on tv was an edited cut of "Jaws" and the only wrestling you ever saw was the likes of Hogan and Sting.

I'm always putting zoomerfaggots like you in their place. You think just because your parents bought you the network, that you lived thru the Monday Night Wars. Well, I got news for you ya little s󠀀oy󠀀boy... I've forgotten more about prowrestling than you'll ever learn.

You know what's special about me? Is that I have the money, the power, and resources to find you, kick in your mom's apt door, fuck her fat pussy on the coffee table, walk into your basement with a used rubber, wash it in your mouth so I can reuse it, pull it over my alpha index finger and Ricochet you so hard I'd make your zoomer pussy asshole humble.


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Holy shit, I forgot that for a week the SS 99 main event was set to be Stone Cold vs. Chyna. Woulda been based if they actually went through with it.

u shoulda used a FACES OF DEATH vhs image cause u just killed that young user, lol

please lose weight

This. Foley should have won at madison square garden, dropped it at no way out, and then Gaytch should've dropped it to Rock at mania. That's how early 2000 should have gone

No Mercy 99

ahh yes, the original Coffee. He deserves a title run for everything he did to extend Undercarders worthless dimeless career, blah blah blah

Royal Rumble '99 did 650,000 buys

>the titles are a participation badge everyone gets for being around a long time and taking bumps
Wtf why didn’t spike Dudley get a title run bros he deserves it

you retarded redditors know why this is why wwe titles are meaningless right?