Japanese/Italian pro wrestler Giulia tanning nude
Japanese/Italian pro wrestler Giulia tanning nude
I'm nude too
Japanese/Italian pro wrestler Giulia throwing out the ceremonial first pitch in her gear
we are all naked under our clothes, ya pinhead
Cool mix. Who would’ve thought that a Dutch father/Italian mother would produce this monstrosity though
>nude tanning
>not having sexy tanlines
into the trash she goes
i'm italian
I'm japanese
but also this
Show me her asshole
Does she like JoJo?
The Chad Hapa vs Incel 100% Nipponjin
Giulia is improving so fast. I started to love to watch her.
>Face color
>Hand color
Based mutt
Maybe she likes Blend-S
Julia was a nightclub hostess slut!
shut up. delete that post.
post proof
pref video
Agua-kun told me.
So its not true
Tan plus short silver hair is a fucking dimes look.
this guy gets it
All gaijin women are hostesses at some point during their time in Japan
She comes from a rich famiry though so its just avoiding getting a real job
>tfw we'll never see a gyaru gimmick in the west in our lifetimes
We had one, her name was Carmella
Based taste