So where the fuck did the regular users of this board go after the wrasslefags destroyed it?

So where the fuck did the regular users of this board go after the wrasslefags destroyed it?

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I went away for a long time and came back because I like pro wrestling

they got anal vored by us based wrestlechads

Yea Forums used to be comfy as fuck before /wwe/ took over

Comfy is code for shit btw

hemafags went to Yea Forums and were accepted with arms wide open
skatechads are still here
airsoftbros still post every now and then
bmxchad completely destroyed the wrestlefags before leaving

I'm a wrestling fan, but god damn these modern fans are sub 80 IQ having retards.

Yea Forums is Palestine
/wwe/ are the jews


All the martial arts fags just disappeared somehow

martial arts fags are regularly welcomed on /heem/ on Yea Forums and on steven seagal threads in Yea Forums

Yea Forums is WCW and /wwe/ is nWo

Why are the mods such fags that they let blatant spam on this board drive off regular users?

>Yea Forums used to be comfy as fuck before /wwe/ took over
Don't worry... Soon...

Attached: hiro laughing at other rina.jpg (276x135, 8K)

Old fags don't draw no more

Attached: outofnowhere.png (637x500, 536K)

better to contain all the autism here like /mlp/

>wtf why are they posting wrestling content on the wrestling board?

How many times can you tell the same unfunny joke, smooth brain?

Never drew a dime before wrestle chads

Yeah Hiro is gonna delete this board pretty soon.

In the meantime how can we get wolfcuc to kill himself im tired of seeing his 24/7 mental breakdown occupying half the board

I'm convinced one of the faggots who post here is a janny considering the selective enforcement of the spamming rules

ya seethe?

Case in point

yeah ya seethe

lemme guess you a woodflip cuck?

Yea Forums had wrestling before the Yea Forums invasion, it was a more comfy time

I know. I enjoyed those threads because the /wwe/ mental midgets were contained to their gay general on Yea Forums

This was confirmed a while back when threads about filtering out spam were the only things that got deleted for being off-topic.