What are some good change gimmicks in wresslin?

What are some good change gimmicks in wresslin?

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why does this anger me?

>involves a box.

Corbett’s claims a box will get anyone over in rasslin.

Poor guy. You can tell he wants to go full Benoit

Really? I think it's hilarious

mentally ill trannies BTFO

The mom and girl are fucking hot.

And he's right, I have seen a mentally ill person get so much heat since Eugene

have sex incel

Imagine having a son, providing for him his entire life until he's as tall as you and then he ends up to be this creature.

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>father cannot bring himself to glance at his son


Fucking hate "adult" parties where everyone brings wine. At someone was based enough to bring a bottle of vodka.

I'd unironically Benoit the entire neighborhood not just my household

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>Not fucking your tranny son

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Look at how depressed the Warlord-looking dad is. He's dead behind the eyes.

I wanna puke. And this is not a mental disorder they said.

It should be 100% justifiable to honor kill trannies on the spot.
>tfw the muslim invaders are 100% ok with trannies and actually force their homosexuals to transition or get thrown off the roof
>not even they would honor kill trannies

this wall of text had me on the verge of gagging

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most obvious ones are Rocky Maivia and The Ringmaster

Damn, Steve Austin really let himself go.

No wonder trannies kill themselves on the reg. These ill beasts deserve it anyway.

My whole body feels weird after reading this.

Thanks a lot, Jews.


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Give it to me Yea Forums, what the fuck would you do if your kid (imagine you had sex of course) did a heel turn like this on you?

What did the kitty smell?

Leif Cassidy to Al Snow? Scotty Polo to Raven? Did you just want to draw (you)s with your cousin's webm?

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oh god im nauseous

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lazy netflix binging cozy comfort self absorbed parents who didn't do enough to guide their child in the right path.

I always thought that the tranny memes were just memes. The frequently spammed "dilate" and "trannys commit suicide" all were just memes to me, especially because I've never read about transitions and trannys (I'm very homophobic), it's all just memes spouted in Yea Forums to me, until now. I took the time read this shit and Good God it's all clear to me right now, these weren't memes they were the truth. No wonder they kill themselves, I felt physically and mentally ill while reading this bullshit. I unironically regret reading this now, I wish I didn't.

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I'm kind of morbidly curious about the pics. But then again it will probably scar me for life

Zero sympathy. That's what you get when you go against nature and chop off your wang to make a surgical wound you have to keep open for the rest of your life.

string cheese i think

Probably just not be able to hide the resentment in my face or the passive aggressiveness until our relationship grows more and more distant so I would only have to see them for Thanksgiving and Christmas

>god blesses you with a trap for a son and you don't go balls deep into that boypussy

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>tfw you forget to clean out your permanent wound/vagina

why on Earth do we treat gender dysphoria by cutting their dicks off instead of having them go to therapy

the mentally ill are being meme'd into sterilizing themselves and you want to stop them?

They literally have to dilate every day, or the wound that is their "vagina" would heal up and close forever. That's not a meme, that's literally what dilation is. Keeping your seeping pretend vagina (in truth a surgery wound) from ever closing and healing.

Never let anyone try to tell you it's a vagina, and not just a wound that's forced to remain open.