11 more days until WWMEME is FINISHED!

11 more days until WWMEME is FINISHED!

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where is Hikaru Shida

On Kenny's bedsheet.

She was already scheduled in japan before this was announced.
Shame cause she seems to like cosplaying and wouldve dressed up for this.

>Nyla wins
11 more days until Vince is proven right and Joshis are finished for good.

>men are the future of women's wrestling
wtf i love aew now

>literal tranny squashing cute and talented Asians

>free ppv with trannies

how will Yea Forums react when Nyla wins??

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I'm guessing Yuka wins.

>Shame cause she seems to like cosplaying and wouldve dressed up for this.
She had like 3 matches in Japan in which she cosplayed after coming back from DON.

they'll cook excuses all week like they always do when their shit gooks lose in WWE.

I will be mad but also it will be good material for anti-AEW shitposting.

the absolute state of American """women"""

>gross tranny wrestler that isn't even good


>womeme's """"""wrestling"""""
I already have to put up with it every Monday and Tuesdayy
Literally no one except numales virgins will give a damn

Take the joshi pill.

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Yuka can cosplay as Yuri Sakazaki again as an easy cover

Begging ya

>joshi pill.
is this the new way of saying "feminine penis"?

fuck that, I tried in WWE and they dissapointed, won't get fooled again.


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No thanks, I'm not a pedo

In others, "I'm a faggot pedo"

>in wwe
gee I wonder why

WWE did nothing wrong

If this was WWE they would market it as a “unforgettable”, “remarkable”, “better than any male match on the card” main event with the tranny being pushed like the redhead tranny in WWE.

>tfw only skipping your piss break to watch this match because of Yuka and Riho

Fuck the man also known as Nyla Rose

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