Is this bitch in black face?

Is this bitch in black face?

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>hitler mustache

what did she mean by this

Why do white women and black men have good chemistry?

Charlie Chaplin isn't a nigger ya nigger

>Charlie Chaplin

Attached: chaplinbig-1523841093.jpg (620x416, 24K)

>hurr durr can't paint your face black
>hurr durr you can't say this word
Why are americucks so retarded?

Muh victum culture

She is. I wonder how long it’ll take the woke crowd to notice

Chaplin was no nigger but I'll tell ya what he was tho, he was a based pedochad, look it up

Here, you forgot your retard bag.

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Where do you live faggot? Because if you live in western/northern europe, australia/nz, or canada, you shouldn't throw stones because youre way more cuckd than the US is. Sick of your eurotrash who pretend that you dont live in some dystopian nanny state like the UK where you literally get arrested for misgendering someone on social media. At least in the US we still have freedom of speech that protects us from the government. Only a matter of time before the big tech monopolies get regulated and it applies to them.

Look at this fucking markolla

They lightened his skin #staywoke

>>hitler mustache
>what did she mean by this

It’s called natural

Nah that's just her regular face. The threads about Carmella turning black arent a meme

same reason why White men and Black women are so cute


Jewish hypnosis.

Me on the top right

It's the way mother nature truly intended

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based mella

I always smile when I see a wm/bf couple

>americuck worked into a seethe

this, when I see a white guy with a black girl it cheers me up