>the longest reigning WWE Champion of the modern era
The longest reigning WWE Champion of the modern era
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Based. Fuck Trump and fuck /pol/.
Based Punk working the incel Trump voters into a sniveling shoot
Why do you want to have sexual relations with Donald Trump and anons who browse /pol/?
>I bought the whole town
The FUCK is this dude talking about
I'm so confused by the tweet on the left. Is he trying to seem tough or cool? Is he trying to be clever? This is a shoot guys, help me out here.
You can buy the city of Hell, Michigan for a time period.
Like, legit
I'm sure AJ Lee pegs his anus.
>americans elected a fucking reality show actor as their president
you literally cant make this shit up kekek
Must be a wasteland shithole. It is called Hell after all.
the left can't meme
the right cant lose their virginity
>the longest reigning WWE Champion of the modern era
I thought Styles already surpassed it?
Then why are they having more kids
Unlike you, I'm proud to keep my anal virginity faggot.
>Gay Hell
thats what we in the business call a work
This meme needed a better push
I wonder if Punk would SEETHE if a Straight Pride parade was booked in Chicago
cringe and faggotpilled
It's a tourist attraction
You guys know that Punk's wife made him tweet about LGBT in public reluctantly right? And that he's actually no saint, but a very self absorbed,full of hatred individual. All of you are worked by based PR going over you simps head.
Some pissed off plebs were constantly complaining and reporting it, and you know what mod we have.
the tranny seethe has been well worth it
oh no no no no nonononono