The longest reigning WWE Champion of the modern era

>the longest reigning WWE Champion of the modern era

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Based. Fuck Trump and fuck /pol/.

Based Punk working the incel Trump voters into a sniveling shoot

Why do you want to have sexual relations with Donald Trump and anons who browse /pol/?

>I bought the whole town

The FUCK is this dude talking about

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I'm so confused by the tweet on the left. Is he trying to seem tough or cool? Is he trying to be clever? This is a shoot guys, help me out here.

You can buy the city of Hell, Michigan for a time period.

Like, legit

I'm sure AJ Lee pegs his anus.

>americans elected a fucking reality show actor as their president
you literally cant make this shit up kekek

Must be a wasteland shithole. It is called Hell after all.

the left can't meme

the right cant lose their virginity

>the longest reigning WWE Champion of the modern era
I thought Styles already surpassed it?

Then why are they having more kids

Unlike you, I'm proud to keep my anal virginity faggot.

>Gay Hell

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thats what we in the business call a work

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This meme needed a better push

I wonder if Punk would SEETHE if a Straight Pride parade was booked in Chicago

cringe and faggotpilled

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It's a tourist attraction

You guys know that Punk's wife made him tweet about LGBT in public reluctantly right? And that he's actually no saint, but a very self absorbed,full of hatred individual. All of you are worked by based PR going over you simps head.

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Some pissed off plebs were constantly complaining and reporting it, and you know what mod we have.

the tranny seethe has been well worth it

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oh no no no no nonononono

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