Oh yeah he's triggered

Oh yeah he's triggered.

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Wasn't Warrior like a massive homophobic?

Yep and even in death hes working Bix into a steamy melting puddle of seethe

I don't recll him ever making any vicious slurs about gays, he simply stated that "queering doesn't make the world work" and if looking at it from the perspective that a declining birth rate would have a negative impact on the world, he was correct.

Based rational user not getting worked by words

No one is afraid of faggots

Bixenspan did not know Jim Hellwig. He's just another hack writer trying to make a story from something that's not true.

Do you think Bix is a faggot because no woman would touch him?

Attached: virgin Bix.jpg (1253x622, 72K)

Paul got the last laugh by making Warrior a faggot symbol

I like your logic user. you'll go further in life than some of us peasants

Yeah, this is a typical media smear. He was literally just talking about how gay people can't procreate, which is an objective fact.

As far as I know, that's all he ever really said on the subject.

Unless he said other things I'm not aware of, he didn't say anything outside the norm of the 80's-early 2000's when just about everyone said something questionable about gays.

Yeah, cause so many homosexuals were wearing Warrior paint on Pride Day.

You know who really got the last laugh? The Warrior Family. A portion of the money gay and trans fans give to the wwe Network goes directly into the Warrior's pockets (Dana is even coaching Lacey whose character would hate gays in the 50s).

Warrior's will lives on...

Wouldn't it be a bigger victory to try and make him one? Like make a negative into a positive type thing? Seems like a better idea and alternative than "HE'S CANCELLED REEEE"

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Faggots wouldn't want him, either.

What year do you think this is that gays can't make babies?
Of course gay people can procreate.
At a minimum all they need is a turkey baster filled with jizz and a Rosie O'Donnell cruise filled with lesbians filled with fertility drugs.
If they want to go all out, they can put a chimeric baby or haploidized embryo in the lesbian so that both gay partners have some DNA mixed up in it.

>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime on his own
>Never had a good match unless carried by someone else
>Never cut a memorable, coherent promo
>Never received any positive Observer award
>Jannetty to Sting in his early career
>Was chosen by Vince as Hogan's successor but fails in doing so
>Tanked house show attendance rates as a champ, the worst in Rock'n Wrestling Era
>Drew so poorly during his '90 title run that the "traitor" Sgt. Slaughter of all people have to take the belt off him
>Steroid abuser
>Beg dimes from Vince despite never drawing any for him, then no-showed when Vince refused
>Returned to WWF in '96 later only to get fired for begging merch dimes from Vince by no-showing events AGAIN
>Almost (and eventually) killed Davey Boy Smith because of the trapdoor setup his gimmick demanded when he was in WCW
>His Halloween Havoc match played part to the downfall of WCW and caused it to go overtime that the main event had to be aired the following Nitro instead
>Barely used in WCW yet given a huge-ass contract on par of their top guys
>In process of doing so, drove Renegade to suicide
>Spent the rest of his life burying everyone superior to him
>Only wrestler to have a burial DVD
>Buried Bobby Heenan because of his cancer
>Buried Droz because of his botch-induced paralysis as ifWarriorettyhimself never botched
>Snubbed a Make-A-Wish kid's final wish
>Was in HOF only because he knew he was going to die and nobody else will posthumously induct him
>Only pushed as a nostalgia icon because Hogan was erased (for three years) and Dana Warrior is a money mark
>Nobody cared about the award named after him except for those who don't think he deserved award named after him
>Drew so poorly during his nostalgia run that WWE pretended to forget everything before the Attitude Era until Hogan returned
>Was forgotten the moment Hogan was reinstated to the HOF
>Huge mark for himself to the point he legally changed his real name to his ring name

I need to elect officials who make sure this is illegal and never happens, and transginger surgery too.

>Never the guy
Other than being the first person in WWF to simultaneous hold the Intercontinental and Heavyweight Championships which is still a feat only a handful of people have accomplished?


You forgot to add

>Triggers faggots into a seething shoot, making them spew out a bunch of made up "facts" about him.

Just accept that WARRIOR is based and your type don't make the world work.

Don't forget he gassed out in 5 minutes during his match with Shelton Benjamin.


Big Scoops Bix has done more for wrestling than Warrioretty ever did.

He was a massive Christfag '''''homophobe'''', the man's not wrong. Both Bix and Warrior I mean.

Lix Dix Bix

Someone who wants to pretend they're a real "journalist" talking about le ratio is so fucking cringy

Nigga warrior was a pagan get it right

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I still do brother

Warrior working this fat lard of mess into a heart attack

i like how dana gave so little fucks she just recycled an old photo from a breast cancer promo

who cares

Why would anyone listen to Bixenspan's opinions? All he does is whine about everything being problematic. He looks and acts like a total fucking loser.

when he isn't triggered

and you sound just as triggered spamming this fucking twitter screencap

I know this is bait but you are trying to argue gay people can procreate because straight people let them.

Bix is the worst person in wrestling today

is Bix Brian Last's "Dinner for Schmucks" guest?

book it

Her face was in the shop this week


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Queering doesn't make the world work