KUSHIDA bought a car with his mark contract

KUSHIDA bought a car with his mark contract

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Congrats, Kushida!
Happy for the lad

>not buying a Deloreon

>not buying a Toyota
based retard

based wwebux
can't blame him and shinsuke and mike bennet to stay on wwe

why are male japs putting more effort at learning english?


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lol what a poorfag, even I bought from a dealership on my 45k salary. how much is Kushida making?

Is this the equivalent of a boot buying a new car for 23% apr?

>Kushida TS

Based Kushida into tranny porn.

Attached: 20190617_162654.jpg (1080x302, 59K)

>Honda Fit
this nigga couldn't even afford a fucking Civic lol

I wish I had purchased a Honda Fit instead of a Subaru that gets 19mpg

Disappointed with the lack of Delorean

>Leaves NJPW because he couldn't escape their Jr Hebbyq Glass ceiling while watching literally everyone around him break through
>Signs with WWE

What the literal FUCK was he thinking?

Kushida splits time not genders

Well at least he bought a modestly priced car


Attached: fixed.jpg (1536x2048, 785K)

That doesn't look like a very good car. How many hotdogs?


>Buying from a stealership

That's why you'll always be a poorfag


So motivated, too bad Vince will crush those dreams

Gooks are used to soul crushing bosses. He'll walk out of the WWE blaming himself for his shortcoming just like KENTA.

>Buying a fucking Honda

I wish he would, would be amazing for an intro

Damn miso and natto are expensive in Florida compared to Vancouver

based retard buying a brand new car from a dealer

If he has to be a cruiserweight he might as well be one with much better pay

>mark contract
>better pay

He bought from CarMax lol.


Smarks BTFO Kari and him can buy expensive stuff

Sounds like gamestop for cars

There’s a shitload of Asians in the Pacific Northwest so I’m not surprised.
9 bucks for miso sounds absurdly high though.