Airs at 3AM in your path

>airs at 3AM in your path

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Feels good being eurochad


feels good working overnight and getting paid to watch NJPW

Are you a nip?

>Tfw paid to watch NJPW during server / radiation tests

>does the job to irrelevant anime

No that's why I said working overnight, don't know if you read that part.

NJPW's weekly show airs at 3AM in jap land

ding-dong diddly same, I saw all the G1 for the first time last year

>only foreigners use NJPW World


Imagine being an amerifat

>airs in the morning here so I can watch it with a coffee and have a good start to the day

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>jobs to Big Dimes Haruhi every night

comfy 10;30am viewing chad here

That’s just a highlight show. They have other shows on another channel. Most people use njpwworld anyway

>during NJPW I have to work
>during WWE I have to sleep
yowie wowie

That 30 minute highlight show is their only form of mainstream exposure.

>during WWE I have to sleep

What happened to All Japan? Are they still around?

>watches show at my own leisure

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Still around, but a lot smaller than they were in the 90's due to a couple of mass talent exodus'. They also have their own streaming service.

Is Makabe even a thing anymore what the fuck?

>Doesnt cater towards Gaijin trash

He's been super phased back now but he is still popular and still a good guy to have around on your undercards.