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Walter, Bartel, and Aichner had a better Trios match against Bate, Seven and Dunne then Gallus did

That Gallus match bored me to tears I dont wanna watch British Wrestling where all the fuck they do all match is trade holds I want them to do what they did in this match which was kick and punch each other in the face all match


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Sell out.

He's p good

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I don't watch NXT UK, how has he been as a champion there?


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No, it clearly says he's the waiter

his theme is based

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he IS based period. He’s the opposite of a shitter

fuck off david starr

based people dont sign mark contracts

It's too bad he's not willing to live in the U.S. Vince would probably ruin him anyway but he's the heel the main roster needs

What are his braps like?


the whole entrance is pretty kino
He's the definition of less is more a a wrestler. Gets the absolute most out of the bare bones minimum

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So his group isn't really supposed to evoke the Axis is it?

WALTER didn't sign no mark contract pal, he's on a 300k downside to simply not sign with anyone else. Paul bent over backwards to give WALTER everything he wanted and more to ensure nobody else could get a hold of him. Let him stay at home in Germany and run WXW and he can still work indies if he wants, doesn't have to travel so much anymore which was his big gripe, he turned down numerous offers from Japan based on that alone.
He's got a sweetheart deal, the UK equivalnet of Brock almost in that regard. He's on waaaaay more money than Pete Dunne for instance who is/was the top guy on that brand. Makes way more than everyone else there.

a real one mind you not le meltz


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>theme is by a Czech nationalist
>steals moveset from Japanese wrestler
what did he mean by this?

You've already decided what you want to believe, no amount of proof will change your mind. Just letting you know the reality of the situation.

Walter signed a based persons contract ya goof. How the fuck did you not know this?