You don't have to choose a side. WWE, AEW, Nu Japan, etc.
You can just watch all of it, who gives a shit?!
Watch the E for the lulz and brappers, watch the other two for good storylines and rasslin
You don't have to choose a side. WWE, AEW, Nu Japan, etc.
You can just watch all of it, who gives a shit?!
Watch the E for the lulz and brappers, watch the other two for good storylines and rasslin
>He took the time to do this.
Have sex.
i stole picrelated
For me it’s Impact and WWE. I pirate AEW shows, but desu i don’t think it’s for me. Too much gay Indy satire.
I watch NJPW/AEW/AAA/CMLL but console wars are funny so I play the game.
>Watch E for-
Notice how only e-drones are the ones trying to convince everyone to watch everything including the E to deflect from their sinking Ship?
>watching wrestling ever
I buried the E in the same sentence lol, how am i a drone?
The ships I've boarded aren't sinking
>good storylines and rasslin
>good storylines and rasslin
Yeah thats gonna be a cringe from me boss
>Watching outlaw feds
I only watch NJPW but on Yea Forums I bury NJPW for being bingo hall nip shit and tell people to watch WWE
crinfe and seethe
You would not be trying to convince anyone to watch WWE otherwise.
>W-We have R-Truth and c-cute women, Pls keep watching. P-pls stop saying bad things about our godawful product.
as a true chad I only watch mid 80s-early 90s insane steroid use era wrestling
Legit based and probably worked me a few times
bruh why you seethe?
I guess i should have added "...or don't" in the OP
Actually, i think AEW is good for the E, if it makes Vince raise the quality of the program - good, if not - WWE deserves to die.
Clear projection.
You can still jump from your sinking ship, you know.
ya seethe bitch lmfaoooo?
Unironically based, you're bringing the spirit of /wwe/ alive