>2-for-1 special offer on floor tickets to a WWE PPV
How did things get so bad.
2-for-1 special offer on floor tickets to a WWE PPV
Holy fuck, are they really tarping off 2/3s of the arena for a PPV?
Tickets for this are so cheap I might actually go now
how do we save this company?
Christ, what an ugly venue
>Good evening sir, and welcome to the Kino Arena
>I see you took advantage of WWE's special 56% off Becky No Draws offer
>Thank you, and I hope you enjoy WWE Stompin-
>Uh, I'm sorry sir, but where is your date?
>My apologies, sir, but the Kino Arena has a strict "No Singles" policy
>I am afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave
>I'm also going to also have to confiscate the couples sized bucket of crab legs as well
why you people always use Hana when she would gladly accept a WWE contract if offered?
She would never betray us like that.
This PPV looks like hot garbage on card. what the fuck are they doing
and worst of all...not even deserving of all caps...just what the fuck even is a Stomping Grounds? Jesus christ theres not even a gimmick attached to it. WTF does that even mean?
Robert please, I worked so long in the popcorn mines for these tickets!
She's an E-drone and is learning English quite well. She clearly has one objective in mind for the future.
fuck when did Robert get ascended? I need to congratulate mah boy
>All those gray non sold sections
Holy shit, that's bad. So it's literally going to be a mostly empty arena.Of course WWE will film it to look like a packed out crowd, they have plenty of practice at that now.
Don't worry guys. I'm sure, this evening on MONDAY NIGHT RAW (the longest weekly running episodic event in cable television) they'll announce who is going to be the special guest referee for Seth Rollins vs Baron Corbin, and THAT will spike ticket sales!
Not even memeing, what would make someone want to spend money on this show? Is there literally anyone who wants to see Corbin shit up another main event? Dolph vs Kofi match 100?
>2-for-1 special offer on floor tickets to a WWE PPV
At least its not named "Great Balls of Fire" again.
You seriously underestimate the loyalty (mental affliction) some people have with WWE. They'll literally pay to watch a show no matter what the card is. Thankfully, younger people are less likely to fall for this conditioning.
>This pricing
>How did things get so bad
No one's a star, no one's over. Only thing that's allowed to be over is the brand itself
>Thankfully, younger people are less likely to fall for this conditioning.
This is retarded. All that's left at live shows is numale soyboys. Everyone of legal drinking age remembers when WWE wasn't such unbearable shit and has stopped watching entirely.
She didn't even watch WrestleMania, she went shopping instead.
Wrong. WWEs audience is older than its ever been. Zoomers aren't watching.
dumb redditfag
Please don’t do this to me robert
Obviously the brand doesn't draw anymore.
it's amazing how they don't have a single draw
They started valuing social media numbers over ratings. Pandering to the one same faggot who tweets your hashtag a million times a day. For a company so set on being ‘’mainstream’ they sure do love pandering to the smallest audience they can find
>raw ticket prices
good that's what this shit show should be priced at
I refuse to accept that the people that want to see these rerererererepeats arent in the vast minority and that most people are sick of this
>500 fucking dollars to see this
I got front row tickets to see Slayer that included an exclusive mug and medallion for $200 less than that in a sold out arena. I got to slap around dumbass teenagers that wanted to mosh, saw someone get their teeth broken out falling on the guard rail and got fucked up passing around handles of liquor and blunts.
What the fuck can WWE offer to rival that experience? What is the extra $200 going to be? It needs to literally be mid-range escorts (female) for me to even consider it at this point. I don't even like their product when I can sit at home and get high watching, having to sit through a WWE show sober already sounds like shit before you factor in paying 500 dollarydoos to get in.
>My apologies, sir, but the Kino Arena has a strict "No Singles" policy
That's not a real thing that exists in the US, is it?
We need them to prevent the incel mass shooters.
>he smokes cannabis
2 for 1 special is what the pack of blacks called Nashs ass on that fateful Summer night in 1992
Robert, congratulations on the promotion by the way.
Becky, Seth and Kofi.
Based and thrashpilled
>Shane nowhere on the card
Surely he's one of the TBDs.
He'll interfere in the Roman/Drew match.
Man, I missed out on so much lore. I have no idea where the shooter position or crab legs got added in.
I want to see Slayer before they die. Where will they play next?
Theoretically at least, pro wrestling offers a unique experience at every show. Every show is another chapter in some never ending story. While every Slayer concert is the same Slayer songs you have on CD, and I could get drunk and sustain a brain injury playing rugby for a lot less than Slayer tickets cost.
The issue is that the WWE's never ending (ha, give it 5 years) story is currently uninteresting, stupid, pandering, tedious pigshit. It's like the filler episodes of Naruto. Naruto is a bad anime with good action at its BEST, the filler episodes are among mankind's greatest atrocities.
lol i wouldn't even go if it were free, too lazy to leave the couch
Single men are a blight on society and must be completely isolated.
kek what a seething bitch
They're on their retirement tour, so you've not got long left.
>WWE's. . .like the filler episodes of Naruto.
>mfw that's 100% truth