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I really hope Bix ends up on liveleak hit by a bus


This is a dilemma for me. I usually hate sjw/pc cancel culture bullshit. But i also love when people shit on the WWE. Things like that moolah battle royal controversy. Usually i would be against sjw campaigns like that, but since it was against the WWE, i thought it was hilarious and supported it.

wasnt that the point

"Queering doesn't make the world work" is an objective fact.

(((Bix))) the Ultimate Social Jewstice Warrior has never had and will never have sex.

if you all hate this guy why do you keep posting about him?

t. jim hellwig's ghost

Same reason everyone hates WWE/AEW/NJPW/Impact/AAA and still post about it. We're all shit posters with nothing better to do.

Bix would be an excellent heel because I want to absolutely beat the shit out of him.

Only redditors hate Big Scoops Bixenspan.

He's getting sued by WWE and Dana Warrior for posting this article. WrestleLamia once had a Behind the Titantron special on the Ultimate Warrior and almost lost his youtube channel and was threatened by a lawsuit by Dana Warrior. Doesn't matter if what is said about someone is factual. The threat of being dragged into court is scary enough to silence critics.

No one can criticize the Ultimate Warrior now. Anyone who dares says otherwise will be silenced.

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WWE v. (((Bixenspan))) is the only time I'd ever root for WWE.

You can't libel the dead you simp.

I love how Bix doesn't suck up to anybody, he could be like YASSS KWEEN DANA WARRIOR IS EVERYTHING and he'd have a job with the E in a couple of years but he's not interested in spouting their propaganda.

If they can show damages to an estate, they can go after him. But there’s no point, she’s named and her organization is named. She can go after Deadspin for that.

I hope she does. Deadspin hasn’t been worth a shit since 2012. It’s nothing but sports infused with politics.

Stop. My dick can only get sooo hard.

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Remember the FB posts from Warrior's brother about what a golddigger Dana always was? of course she's trying to rebrand her mealticket. I can at least respect SJW grifters rather than true believer marks like Bix.

Bix isn't a someone that has sex mascot.

every article this guy writes is reactionary. he cannot write a single positive or neutral article because in order to write he always has to be frustrated and seething... which he is all the time anyways. kek. even wolfie can write about what he loves.

Jesus Christ man. The Internet absolutely destroyed society, particularly social media. Everyone is a gigantic pussy who constantly has to show you how tolerant they are. It's all so fucking phony and everybody knows it.

Fags have been running around in their underwear with makeup and tassels on for a long time.

lemme guess, you 'tell it like it is'

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easiest way to become popular these days is to be a massive virtue signaling faggot and an Anti Trumper

Thats some massive projection, its been all the rage to be some insufferable muh white victimhood alt-right faggot like Laura Southern, Milo the Faggot, Richard Spencer etc to get patron bucks from gullible white incels

>its been all the rage
The dickheads you just mentioned have all been blacklisted. It's """all the rage""" to be a fucking insufferable white liberal telling everyone else what they are allowed to say or think.

He's right

>He's getting sued by WWE and Dana Warrior for posting this article.
on what grounds? for posting facts?

robbed and beaten by his pet niggers would be more funny


Nailed it.

No matter how hard he tries he's not getting a widow who does charity work cancelled.

You're a fucking retard.

You mean all the people banned from social media, you stupid fuck?

I can’t wait till majority of people grow a pair and say I don’t like thing lgbt crap

>I don’t like thing lgbt crap
Based ESL user

Based. I'd actually take care of Bix, no live leak though, they do just find his head in a sewer with Ultimate Warrior paint on his face.

What a salty little mole person. Is he a fag? Wtf does he care so much for? Dude needs to cover something else if he hates wrestling so much. Can’t be healthy.


"That mean ol' Warrior, he said... some words. Over a decade ago, and I'm still seething over words. The words he said. And I want revenge!"

he's not wrong

Post bix

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I like how in the USA the defendant has to pay his own legal fees even if he wins. What a joke of a country.

Because the vocal minority on Twitter are mentally ill, brainwashed, virtue signaling queers. People think this is the audience they should cater to for a positive reaction and a large fanbase. It's why most media is dying.


Conservatives will sue you if you hurt their feelings by telling the truth about things they said/did.
Ironic, isn't it?


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The whole point of that tweet was a form of apology, what a retard

What black magic sorcery is this? I've never seen a picture of Dana where she didn't look like the Crypt Keeper.

Reddit loves "Shits his pants and calls the cops" Bixenstein
Yea Forums thinks hes a whopping fag

Ever notice the best guys in rasslin are named Jim?

based Dana killing the E and Bix's livelihood in one fell swoop