WWE "Superstars" literally sleeping on airport floors

Peyton, Drake Maverick, Zelina Vega and probably others spent the night on the floor of the Dallas Airport where RAW is being held.

RAW is gonna be GREAT

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why the fuck would i care? i dont even watch that fucking baby wrestling shit. i watch NJPW, AJPW, Impact, AEW, ROH, MLW, RevPro, Stardom and Ice Ribbon, you fucking pindick midget faggot

big words from the biggest faggot on the whole board. cool katakana you fucking geek

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>NJPW, AJPW, Impact, AEW, ROH, MLW, RevPro, Stardom and Ice Ribbon
pleb taste

I exclusively watch BJPW, CZW, JCW, KQW, KZW, and old Smokey Mountain tapes

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Dallas user here. Ding-Dong Diddlygonna go to the airport and call em all vanilla midgets.

Oh no, I hope Peyton doesn't botch now. She's such a perfectionist in the ring.


hey im not a faggot! what the hell man


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>IIconics on RAM again
So no Kabuki Warriors for the fifth week in a row. Weebs BTFO

i was at that airport last month . took massive shit & got some food before my next flight.

I mean I can sleep pretty much anywhere when I got my ASMR on so.


Do people really still watch RAW?

maybe this kwabuki warrior will show up

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Billie is taller than you tho

Feels Good being an NJPWChad.

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This but with NXT in there, no simpact or Joshishit & CMLL Too.

I only watch DTU and old HUSTLE tapes


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Imagine thinking you're hotshit if you watch anything at all besides classic World of Sport tapes. Pure technical wrestling kino.

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Have fun watching people turn their necks to sawdust

Have fun watching 3 headlock transitions before an ad break.


>Muh workrate

DomeFag ding-dong diddly ETHERED

Based af

>big leagues
>can't even sleep on a bed

Holy Cringe


Please daddy i need cum oh yes