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Manny really takes care of his hair



A Nazi and a paedophile

>A Nazi
No, he's worse. He's Wahhabi.

Hes actually Christian, and nothing is worse than a white supremacist Nazi

2 Legends, in one pic.

>getting worked by HWNDU
Half the shit he said turned out to be BS

"Mansoor? based! Heres my gf izzy, I'll let you cuck me so long as you let me fap in the corner!"
"Haha thanks JJ, now smile for the camera!"

I’m collecting all the worst shit he said at HWNDU, and even throwing in some Yea Forums posts claiming to be him. Normies won’t know the difference. So excited to ruin this faggot’s career. Next Saudi show the bomb is going to drop, be ready boys


Looking forward to it user, give him hell

Holy fucking BASED

Thanks. Attention whores like this deserve to be taken down a peg or two.

you aren't gonna cancel a Saudi wrestler, at a Sudi show, ya simp!

ya redditards will never accomplish anything of worth in your lives

Manny probably thinks this nonce is the second coming of the prophet Muhammad. Hope Based Bix DESTROYS this sand nigga.

Post him and Izzy pics

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She's such a little slut

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I'm Monsoor. I will literally pay you 50,000 shekles of Vince McMahon's jew money to not

tranny boiling with impotent rage

Does Cole have his thumb inside her pooper?

hahaha so funny

Thanks, thought of you when I wrote it

Manny WTF?!
You're bound to have been on herw when we Exposed this simp as a pedo!
WTF are you doing?


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How does he not think hanging out with a child is weird? I have work subordinates who are always asking me to come hang out and the only reason I don't is because they're 10+ years younger than me and it'd be weird, but otherwise we have the same interests.

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