Give me one good reason why I should dislike this individual

Give me one good reason why I should dislike this individual.

Attached: Vince-McMahon-800x400.jpg (800x400, 38K)


Stone Cold kids were the cool ones everyone wanted to be friends with

No one wanted to play with The Rock kids, we could smell what they were ding-dong diddly cooking and we didn't want any


Attached: American-Badass-Undertaker.jpg (1710x900, 126K)

He’s white. White people are the devil.

...What if you were an Undertaker kid?

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John Cena

He sucks

I don't know, I didn't hang out with or talk to any goths

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you had no friends.

Fuck off, Tyrone. You're getting chicken grease all over this thread.

he's a based retard.

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coping austin-cel

Seething Rock-cel

Only retards say based retard.

His favorite wrestler is the undertaker.

You shouldn't. The over the top Mr. McMahon character is one of the most entertaining characters in any medium. Plus the man himself created what all of us here grew up loving as kids and continue to watch despite acting like we hate it. The day he dies will be the saddest day ever and the man deserves a national holiday in his honor, or at the very least to not be "disliked", rather loved and respected.

he wants to put crushed leaves inside you

He made the existence of Stephanie McMahon possible

Why was Ruthless Aggression such a better era than Attitude?

Keep coping simp cold seethe autism fag. RockyCHADS ran you faggots on the play ground

He employs Renee Young.

Not on my playground they didn't.

mm-mmm wouldn't wanna mess with them

>Montreal Screwjob
>covering up for jimmy snuka
>only pushing Samoans
>framing Benoit with Sullivan
>putting Owen in a bag and continuing the show
Just to name a few

he put haitch into a position of power

it was too good for ratings or casuals or fans other than edrones who like shit shoveling in their mouth like WWE branding calling a shitty brand split era ruthless aggression. M I RITE?

Ding dong diddly cringe

Pro-tip: There isn't one.

Vince is the most based person in Sports and the United States. Name me another person who has shown their ass on national television during primetime countless times and still makes billions from it while telling the media to go fuck themselves?

you can't.

He’s got the homosexuality and maybe he’s got the dementia. Plus he likes his daughters boobs

Wow, what a bigot

Really user? In 2019?