Book his debut

Book his debut

Attached: 12753.jpg (1949x1440, 495K)

Match with Chris Hansen (no relation) ends in a count-out finish when he tries to run up the ramp, security catch him on his way out of the arena and he jobs clean to them


Gets buried in a squash match by big dimes Ambrosio

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This entire show is about publically humiliating and damning innocent people because they have a different sexual orientation.

Attached: Mite B Cool.jpg (500x384, 60K)

Pedophiles should be put to death. Public shaming is the least they deserve

Awful bait, if you can’t maintain kayfabe and keep it subtle fuck off back to developmental ya dweeb

Forms a tag team with JJ Williams

Attached: C1C6Tr3WQAAGcWj.webm (810x1080, 2.54M)

Together they form The Predators with high Body Temperature

I know this niggas game. He may or may not be a pedo, but hes definitely grooming her so he can swoop right in the minute she turns 18. Shameful.

Debuts as Uncle Tucher, kidnaps Hornswaggle
backstage after 3 weeks of consecutive squashes, culminating in a triple threat custody match for Hornswaggle between himself, Finlay and Vince McMahon.

This but unironically

cut your dick off

If your under 18 I'll let you try, but you're only allowed to use your hands and mouth. Also, and it should be obvious at this point; Worked.

>using proper punctuation on a Taiwanese knitting imageboard
This aint ya homework son and it was obvious straight away now cut your dick off for being so bad at shitposting on my board

Give me the rundown on this dude pls

The nordic express

Is this Tom from MySpace?

Forms a stable with Pedomod and JJ Williams

Look at all this BEEF. Put the ding-dong diddly strap on him.

Please tell me Chris Hansen worked carny into his snarky opening line.


Vs Ricky Morton in a CP on a pole match

For those unfamiliar with this guy, he was a disabled guy who ran Ricky Morton's website. His chats were particularly disgusting and he had CP so he got a longer sentence than most on TCAP.