Fucks your waifu

>fucks your waifu

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i dont waifu wh*toids

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hahaha look at the side of his head

from what i cant tell he is into her but shes not into him as more then a friend

Seen this situation time and time again. Havoc wants to put it in, Toni rebuffed his "subtle" attempt. He's even doing the :| face.

Gain taste weeb

we know you are mentally ill, now go back to talking to yourself in your generals sweetie.

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more like dont step out of the basement

Isn’t he a fag for her. Tweeting about her saving his life and that when everyone seen her cunt.

He looks like a 40 year old who never let go of goth.

Joey Janela got to her

hes only like 30 but thats true gimmick wise and irl

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Also, filtered.

nicely done


He seems to pine for Martina frequently as well, so maybe he got to her as well.

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Samefag praising his own shitty meme

I think Martina takes all givers desu



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He looks like he has a very small dick

AEW is full of freaks
