Lol look at Jojo's face...

lol look at Jojo's face. You just know she's soon gonna be done with this bullshit soon now that she got a kid for the moneyz

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Damn she looks terrible now.

That's one ugly baby

Whats wrong with that baby? Are they supposed to be that small?

Is that kid dead?

>black don't crac-

He looks normal sized, Wyatt is just a big fat piece of shit

Normally you dont see babies this young because they keep them wrapped up but he is normally sized

>JoJo immediately turned into an actual fucking 56% goblina
>that eraserhead baby

This should be a damn PSA for race mixing


baby is gonna be more white

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>implying bray wyatt is white.

>now that she got a kid for the moneyz
doesn't she already come from money? wasn't her dad a baseball player

Seriously, is this one of those weird conservative things like Rick Santorum and his wife looking after their dead kid for a week? Coz that kid looks deceased.

Is normal just some weeks old.
The question is, can a black women get back into shape after birth?

It's not normal, it's hideous.

Did you ever saw a new born?
They are all ugly af, gets better after 2-3 month.

most mixed children are fairly good looking/cute or whatever you want to call it. Bray and JoJo genes just don't blend well, but thats the price he pays for abandoning his first family to smash thots.

It's a mocha mistake you clown.

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Thats what the white mans seed will do you LMFAO

The baby was just born, it's gonna be very tiny and delicate for a few weeks/months.

Jojo has always had a hideous face

this. only difference is lack of makeup

Is it dead?

How can you not have a bulge wearing those pants? He's got a fucking camel toe almost

Are they trying to scare the baby half to death? Why wear the fiend mask for this?

Kek because that worked out for the other bitch he abandoned

Well she did just have a baby

The career prospects of everyone in that picture? Yes, yes it is.

>Gets full time ring announcing gig
>Has affair with a married man
>Get's pregnant and takes off for a year
>Comes back hideous
Stop hiring black people if you want professionalism

Did they take the photo 90 minute after birth?

Nah she got fatter in the face

Super Cringe, why cant they take a nice family picture. He is truly a fucking mark.m, no your stupid character wont go over no matter how hard you try you will always be husky harris.

Actually cute desu

babby too smol to be scared

a little sure kids do that to women but it's not like she went from a 9 to a 4

Lol doesn't this dude have kids from his previous marriage

Can't wait for the kid to ask, sooo how did you and mom met?

Bray looks like a mutt himself, same with Bo

She should had fixed her nigger nose when she pumped all that silicone in that ass

Just stretches badly, like laffy taffy
>the blackest eye's, the deadest eyes

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Ah...It all makes sense now. It was The Fiend that cheated on Bray's wife and got JoJo pregnant. Wholesome Firefly Funhouse Bray wouldn't have done that.

Holding a premature baby will leave you scarred for life, they sound like squeaky aliens not meant for this earth.

based juggalos

>what did Pajeet mean by this?

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The baby looks premature, that's my point.

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She looks like Nidia. Pretty based, she should be Bray's valet.