Did Tank Abbott in WCW have some kind of pain tolerance gimmick?

Attached: tankc.gif (480x360, 3.59M)

what part of "Tank" Abbot don't you understand?

Based dank abbott

Are you basing that all off of this one gif?

Tank is usually so drunk he doesnt feel pain. He did once tell an interview girl to stop replaying the footage of a recent victory where they had to put a respirator on the dude, because it was making him sexually aroused. Which is kind of badass.

I remember after getting the shit completely kicked out of him by Dan Severn, he said "it hurt about as much as a night of rough sex"

It's called no selling. People who are complete marks for themselves do it all the time. Just watch any NJPW/indie match

WCW really should have given the guy more mic time, the stuff between him and the steiners was golden but only because they really hated each other.

Or any WWE match really.
What was the last time someone in WWE sold a leg?

Does anyone remember how that match between him and Sid ended?

Abbott tapped to the crossface

Attached: Nitro - February 22, 2000.jpg (949x713, 278K)

Seth constantly limps ever since his knee injury, but still runs around and does dives between limping.

Well so much for that pain tolerance gimmick

why is he shooting on la parka

Based seth


>no-selling everything
can’t fucking stand this shit. it only works in very specific matches but you have retards taking a 720 spinning moonsault in the first 5 minutes of a match and kicking out at 1.

based anti-numale

His gimmick was that he’s Tank Abbot. If you don’t know who Tank Abbot is, he was the original Chuck Liddell. He was the first to wear MMA gloves in UFC because he didn’t want to break his own hands knocking people out. He was also a competent wrestler so he would sprawl and brawl. He is also the reason you are not allowed to throw people over the top of the cage wall in UFC.

Chair shots are fake and gay, really, so he just treated it like what it is and punched him.

No, the people that had the pain tolerance gimmick were the ones that could sit through his matches.

you're fake and gay

Attached: ballsmahoney.jpg (600x732, 68K)

>he doesn’t know how the human body works
wait til you do some sport and get some injuries under your belt

>dat skeleton
When did Johnny Lawrence become a wrassler?

Dat siddler crossface