Is he right?

>Guys let me break this down for you. These guys have a, there's a pattern bro. When you listen to them long enough, there's a pattern. They don't like the good looking guys with great physiques, they don't like those guys bro. Jinder Mahal, great looking guy, great physique, Roman Reigns, good looking guy, great physique, John Cena, good looking guy great physique, Dave Batista, good looking guy, great physique, who's the guy, feed me more, [Ryback], Corbin's a big guy. So bro, here's what it boils down to. Jealousy. I can't look at (look like?) those guys, therefore I'm going to hate them. For all I know Wade Keller could've been bullied as a kid.

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>Roman Reigns, good looking guy, great physique
>great physique



and the reasin they cannot look up to big men any more is because of pornography

>He's got the agenda because he's a string bean, he was probably picked on at high school. You know Wade, wah wah wah wah wah wah wah. At some point in our lives we all got freaking picked on. That doesn't mean that for the rest of our lives bro we gonna hate guys that physichally look better than us. Grow up. And don't call yourself a freaking pro when you gonna carry on like that and have an agenda towards somebody. Thats a HACK. That's not a pro, thats a HACK. [What's next?]

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All those wrestlers are shit in the ring,there's you go bro.

Mahal still genuinely looked like shit in his gear though with all the roid acne.

>Baron Corbin
>Jinder Mahal

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it's the truth. liberal males act like women. there's literally a kid i worked with that says his favorite wrestler is kevin ownes because he looks just like him.

They're good-looking but not in an attractive sense
They look like wrestlers is what he means


Baron Corbin literally looks like he's gonna refill my beer.
That isn't a prowrestler.

Larger than life mastodons went out of style by the 90s. Russo himself pushed Jeff fucking Jarrett as a main eventer. He booked himself standing up against Goldberg.

Some contrarian edgelord will reply with "worked" but his fans are like Russo himself, they have no internal consistency and thus no success.

He was fucking writing himself in a pope mobile because he was scared of Goldberg. Based NY heel chickenshit gimmick.

And Jeff Jarrett was jacked.

Attached: jarrett2.jpg (291x278, 20K)

Literal cope


Attached: corb.jpg (381x358, 17K)

Isn't Wade Keller tall as fuck?

Jarrett was a vanilla midget, an eternal midcarder if based on his own merits. Russo pushed the little guys hard and wanted guys like Jarrett and Storm to go over big guys like Hogan and Goldberg. Now he's the god of the anti-smarks. Irony is a hell of a drug.

As much as an idiot Russo is most of the time, he's also right a lot of the time, like right now.


Kay first of all
>Roman Reigns
>Jinder Mahal
>Baron Corbin
>Great physique
Whatever you say, dude. Also, Cena and Batista are pretty well liked at this point. What the fuck is he talking about?

Most of them are fine in the ring, but they're pushed and agented in ways where it's impossible to get behind them.

Mick Foley started the trend of "neckbeards like him because he looks like them," then it peaked with self-insert comic book nerd skinny fat non-athletic CM Punk, and now it's just basically every smark darling

> Mahal
Literally looked like a bloated sheet of infected pimples. Shitty hair too
> Reigns
Still wears a shirt vest because he refuses to pay for gyno surgery
> Cena
Actually legit, his Hollywood hair looks really uncanny though
> Batista
Looked great in mid 2000s, kind of aging like milk but it's not entirely his fault since he got white hot in his 40s
> Ryback
Definitely not natural, but he had that funny action figure physic and clearly worked hard on his character. Shame McMahon fucked him over
> Corbin

Remember when he called people faggots for correcting him that Balor has a great body
Lol russo likes dudes what a fag
