Attached: aew.jpg (800x464, 416K)

Attached: AEW autistic soyboy.webm (1920x1080, 2.83M)

I'm a girl and a chad like the OP going over the filter makes me moist.

Wow. This is art. Yea Forums posting is truly an art form. As the smarks say about a guy getting his head jammed in a tranny's anus.


Attached: 42E31C35-9B62-4ACF-89D4-0D689855DC95.jpg (800x750, 136K)

There's no way this is an authentic reaction. If anything, Page being 21 would kill the hype because you immediately knew he was going to win. I hope the guy in this JPEG dies.

>making that face for Hangman


AEW fans look like THIS!?

New age males are fucking doomed

How faggy can one "man" be?

Attached: 1549854901205.png (720x525, 523K)

all this for faux adam cole lmaoooo

cringe aside it's not really something you care to think about when you're at a live show and a surprise happens

holy fucking shit
if this were some sort of insulting parody of an AEW fan I'd say it was overdone, yet it's real life

That's clearly a plant, and so is the guy filming. Note how the rest of the crowd is, at best, making a "hey, neat" reaction while he's spazzing out. AND the guy filming knows exactly when to turn around to get this dipshit reaction. You are all being viral worked by the s󠀀oytriarchy.

Attached: Disdain For The Mentally Retarded.jpg (1024x923, 162K)

they are going for the 'actual retard/autist' market though user

Attached: aew retard bag.jpg (1242x1781, 580K)

based user giving the bitch ass filter the summer of 92 driver

this 100%
it is absurd to think Adam Page could genuinely elicit that reaction

what is this

AEW apparently feels the need to cater to retarded fans who can't go to a public event without a bag full of toys and flashcards or something, I don't really know how to explain it any better than that

This is disgusting

that's a better set of ear muffs than i use for playing loud music in a cramped space

not gonna lie thats a pretty cool little swag bag, would store drugs in 8/10

I unironically would have posed as an autistic person just to get that bag and watch some of the show with those Yea Forumsies

Dubs will buy them out in 5 years.