This dude is the Ace of WWE and no one gives a fuck.
This dude is the Ace of WWE and no one gives a fuck
I don't watch WWE so I don't care.
It really is sad how they fucked this guy up. He could have been booked as a fucking buzzsaw meatgrinder just gobbling fuckers up in the ring with a based mudvayne theme entrance and some Austin-esque head jerking and trash talking (even when he’s not mic’ed) Shooting on smart marks and bloodying up their heroes and not giving a fuck if you boo or cheer.
Instead we got succotash and ‘my cousin Dwayne The Rock Johnson approves of me’ and a shitty theme and ‘competative’ matches with dives and silly jumping strikes and no profanity or blood or head jerking.
His superman punch and the way people just stand around and wait for is one of the dumbest things in wrestling
he should be the ace but WWE is too scared to push him as so because the smarks will bitch, so they cater to smarks and put belt on Seth and Kofi of all people who are both midcarders
I feel like he's never going to evolve past "that guy that was in the shield", and it seems like they don't even want him to
He's been in the midcard for months. He ain't shit anymore. Seth is the top guy now.
>He's been in the midcard for months
and yet he's on both shows with multiple segments every week
A new look would help.
at least this Jason Momoa is actively engaged in making improvements to the sport.
Oh, you got you you uh you got g-g-g-got his her uh his um you know the uh the ding-dong diddly um hey uh what's it called again oh right right you got his uh the thingum that thingamajig y-y-you uh you got Brock Lesnar's numb uhhhh you got Brock Lesnar's JUST SHUT UP FOR A SECOND SEE HE'S THE DING-DONG DIDDLY KING OF THIS. YOU. GOT. BROCK. LESNAR'S. NUMBER? YOU HAVE HIS NUMBER IS THAT RIGHT?
>WWE is too scared to push him
They've tried to push him multiple times - the fans just never accepted it. If you want to blame someone, look in the mirror.
he stays as a shield guy because it gives him a good reason to keep his vest on
A new character would help. Dude has been the same since he debuted and was the only one to not get over the shield break up, dude looks like a jealous ex that wants things back to how they were
>If you want to blame someone, look in the mirror.
but I'm not a smark
Should have milked his cancer angle more
Fully bald/clean shaven
yes you are, everyone on Yea Forums is a smark.
Ace of Spades?
give him a break, he just got over cancer and can't be on gas
Why is the "ace of the wwe" having 60 matches vs Drew McIntyre who's never won a major title and losing to geriatric Shane McMahon?
Guy is too tainted and it's not getting any better. He needs a gimmick/personality overhaul. I wouldn't say he needs to turn heel, that's taking the easy way out. But it starts with dropping all the Shield shit which is also too tainted to work with, but leaves limited options since he looks terrible with the shirt off.
Does that mean cancer that is killing it? If so, then yes, he is
Pretty sure he's been on Raw more than SmackDown since the shakeup.
They actually put you ON steroids during recovery to help make treatment and recovery more effective. He literally, unironically, just does /not/ have good physique genetics. Dwayne has to pay thousands of dollars just to avoid having Samoan bitch titties
I strongly believe they should've dropped "Roman Reigns" and brought him back as Joe Anoa'i. They had a chance to reboot his character and get a clean slate and they went right back to booking him the exact same way.
Except now he's getting pinned by Shane McMahon, so. Fucking whatever.