Who is the undisputed, pound 4 pound, unified champion Yea Forums waifu?

Who is the undisputed, pound 4 pound, unified champion Yea Forums waifu?

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hiding this cringe shit

Hiroshi Tanahashi


The only correct answer is /OurGal/ Sonya Deville.

Based Hana

Nobody cares

actually this

Mickie. Not in a sense of power but in ubiquity that no one here would say no

Idk, if I want roasted beef, I go to Arby's

Wrestling women are all ugly.

I wanna give her some bbc and turn her into a submissive straight girl


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I lov Liv!


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either alicia fox, ruby riott, or liv morgan. there is literally no other decisions.

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Fuck off, we hate her

ya seethe

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Kys mommy is love

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