>no martial arts or mma threads anymore
>just fake wrestling
fuck you guys, ruined this fucking board
No martial arts or mma threads anymore
>wrestling fans working user into a seething shoot
ding-dong diddly worked
You're fake wrestling
blame gook moot and jannies
ya kwab'in?
go the fuck back to Yea Forums. Yea Forums is pro wrestling, sports entertainment, sometimes we let plankboarders do their thing and occasional zorbers. you won't make it out here with the wolves, kid.
I'm a legit hardcore mma fan and not even I wanna see mma threads. Wrasslin is way more interesting than mma.
No you go back you fuck, this place was great till you autistic manchildren came in and shat it all up, used to have generals for various styles of martial arts now there is nothing
Fuck off faggot this is our turf now
yeah we used to have larping fags and under water basket weaving threads too. seems like we cut all the excess baggage from this board since then and you didn't get the memo so i'm sorry but ya gotta go back.
>cut all the excess baggage
>board is now %100 excess baggage
fuck your gay fake wrestling
> learning about martial arts on an anonymous forum
nigga go to a dojo
it was good to talk with people who practice other styles and get recommendations for cross-training, techniques etc and generally just shit-talk
and you are telling me there is literally no other place on the internet you can do so? you are a lazy ass bitch and are failing at one of the crucial aspects of martial arts; sharpening your mind. the fact you even made this thread is bad form, you are defeating yourself.
The real answer is to just make a lot of threads anytime you visit Yea Forums. People will respond and be more apt to make their own.
Until then we are going to over-analyze every twitter post of a bunch of men in their underwear pretending to fight.
So instead of making a thread about that, you make one about you crying?
Glad you got ethered by the wrasslefags if youre nothing but a bitch.
Shut it nig, quit crying and make an mma thread or fuck off.
its hard to gauge how good some places are, there's alot of forums. How is the martialtalk forum? seems to have alot of members
thats true I guess
The time has come to take it back brother
This is an aikido board now
it's a cut throat business, kid
you can't make it with the wolves you get left behind
evolution has just passed you by