Fuck each and everyone of you autistic cringe mandrama fan boys. Imagine being a fully functioning adult watching fake fights you dumb idiots.
we need an independent /esg/ boards away from all you retards.
Fuck each and everyone of you autistic cringe mandrama fan boys. Imagine being a fully functioning adult watching fake fights you dumb idiots.
we need an independent /esg/ boards away from all you retards.
imagine being a not fully functioning adult even though you're a millionaire then having your best friend died how he lived, with a heap of metal up his ass
Don't make me come over there and fingerpoke your asshole you dumb mark
looks like we have ourselfs a faggot here
complain to japmoot
Damn, Phil is fat as fuck
Sargon of Jackass
It's not our fault that skateboarding is an anti-draw and no one wants to post in your shitty threads
ayyy this dude is ding-dong diddly worked
I hate retards like you saying "/esg/ DESERVES I-I-ITS OWN B-B-BOARD!". Yea Forums was created only for us, the mandrama fanboys. You can keep crying and seething all you want, but we are the big boys here. No one in the fucking history of humanity thought about creating a board only for /esg/ or skate because they don't draw a single fucking dime. They can't even sustain their own /general/ threads without having internal fights, even less with a entire fucking board. Get a clue. Huh? What you said? Huh? Oh yeah, I hear ya seething from here. Ya sissy cocksucking retard. Get out of my board RIGHT FUCKING NOW.
ride your little wheelieboard into your boyfriends ass
Ya seethe?
nobody is stopping you for bumping your own thread, just look at the waifufag generals, literally just one guy posting the same pictures over and over again and talking to himself.
the absolute state of mandrama fanatics.
you have /woo/ go back there and leave this board in peace you retards.
>you have /woo/ go back there and leave this board in peace you retards.
We do not tolerate or negotiate with drug addled fascists. We are Yea Forums, we are pro wrestling and if you don't like it then go back from whence you came, the internet is full of forums waiting for you.
>Yea Forums was created for us, the man drama fanboys
No it wasn’t newfag. Before you chucks got bounced from Yea Forums and /so/ because everyone hates you and you’re autisitic homosexuals who should kill yourselves, this was a martial arts and skateboarding discussion board with a strong thriving culture, helpful tripfags, actual professionals giving advice, it was the healthiest and most productive board on the website. There one or two non WWE related pro wrestling threads which everyone thought was fine where we discussed the g1 climax etc. There was other generals about Sumo and stuff as well, it was really a board for all “alternative sports” the way it was intended. Then when these faggots decided to just dump you here you basically just came in raided the board with poopoo peepee and proclaimed it as your own, which was actually ONLY done by literally five jobless, poor, kids less virgin who literally stayed up in their moms basement all day and night spamming threads. Carter was one such person. He literally raided this board for years and years by himself because he had no life and it was the only thing he could do to keep from killing himself, but he ruined the board so badly that everyone left because he made a slide thread every five minutes.
All of you are newfags, and most of you probably live similar lives to him. Virgins living in your moms house posting on the internet about manworship non stop so you don’t have to face the reality where you want to fucking kill yourselves.
haha you sound mad user gee whiz that's a shame
Post your home address so I can met you in person pussy bet you won’t because all pro wrestling fans are virgins and gay little cowards.
sent :)
Bam is the wwe of skateboarding community
Wow, a real internet tough guy. I didn't know they still made you guys anymore. You forgot to post an intimidating street fighter gif though.
>Wow, a real internet tough guy.
I did notice most Yea Forums anons are very open about not wanting to be in a real fight, which is strange
Just as I thought
I watched Steve-O's video featuring Bam, and holy fuck did he look miserable doing nothing. The only remote thing he did was in the skateboard portion. Thats it. Just go back to instagram and post cringe Bam Bam.
based earth rocker
>watching a scripted live drama is stupid!
>omg you guys I hated Joffrey so much, I was so happy when he died I screamed and danced all over the house!
op, thats a total un earth rocker mentality