Pirate the AEW ppv

>Pirate the AEW ppv
>Watch the better matches
>All a bunch of finisher spam for 20 minutes and dumb smarks trying to start chants every 3 seconds

So this is what is "really wrestling" according to reddit?

Btw the best match on the card was the Joshi match

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>Btw the best match on the card was the Joshi match
nope, cody vs goldust

I loved that match. Hated the ending. Everyone was acting like some massive story had just reached a new emotional high. Bullshit. The build was like a month, and it made no sense for Dustin to just accept his brother back. The announcers pretending to cry was cringe.

they were trying to retroactively convince you it was a storyline since they were kids. if that didn't hook you I could see why you wouldn't be into the build up

>it made no sense for Dustin to just accept his brother back
brothers do shit like that all the time

>Make your brother spill a pint of blood everywhere
>Cry in his arms like a little kid afterwards

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t. only child


People who pirated double or nothing are truly trash

This guy gets it

You are 100% correct. It is cringy as fuck seeing everyone pretend this was a massive story. This needed months of build ups and close calls and interference to really matter. The "emotion" and everyone telling you how serious it was was so fucking forced and cringe.

The whole show was the exact same as a WWE PPV, the only difference was WWE don't have matches where wrestlers kick out of multiple piledrivers.
>Btw the best match on the card was the Joshi match
Wrong, that match was shit, literally as bad as a normal WWE's women's match. The best match was Cawdy vs Dustin.

>he doesn't illegally obtain all his wrestling

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I literally knew almost exactly what he was going to say, and it felt incredibly forced
Have sex

Tell us more about how great WWE matches are, drone


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If someone's favorite match were a bunch of joshi women having fun I'm not sure they're an E-Drone

ya seethe?


As someone who normally doesn't really hate Young Bucks, i strongly disliked their match
It was paced like a fucking HHH epic with big move, 1 min rest spot, big move.

It had no rhyme or reason.

Everything else was okay

I've never seen the young bucks before in a mathc but the entire time I kept watching them I kept thinking to myself "these guys want HBK to fuck them in the ass so bad"

there are so many AEdrones I can smell the unwashed ass from here

I liked SCU v StrongHearts and the Joshi match.
CAWdy v Sawdust was just too cringe for me to enjoy.

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