Based and truthpilled

Based and truthpilled

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I'm cool with this. Take all men out of the workforce. Watch the economy collapse in less than a week. It'll somehow still be men's fault.

That’s funny cuz I’ve worked in offices and no work is done in that “place”

>written by a broad
Of course it was. Fucking bitches...haven't even had rights for 100 years yet and they already forgot the last 65 million+ years of men doing everything for them and building up society and now they wanna burn everything cause its that time of the month or something.

Man, I work a 9-5 in an office and then do uber eats as a side hustle 5 days a week. I would love to be removed from the workplace and live at home while my wife or gf (tfw no gf) has to work to prop up our household and economy.

Let this happen lmao.

I'm so glad I work construction

>getting worked by clickbait in 2019

>Ruth Graham

Do people write things like this so they can later claim to be harassed when people call them retards?

>mfw I'm a roofer
>yfw roofs would just stop being built if women took over
>yfw even if women did manage to build a roof, you wouldn't trust the integrity of it

"Allowing" men in the work place? Uh, I'm pretty sure it was women who were allowed to enter the work place, not even 100 years ago most women just stayed at home, took care of it and raised the kids while the men did all of the work.
The only thing women work as were as nurses or secretaries but most quit even those jobs after getting married and having children.

Back in the good ol' days...what the fuck happened? I thought Trump was gonna make us great again and go back to those times, but bitches have just gotten more uppity?

ya seethe, dickboi?

>getting worked by satire


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Sort of like that Australian journalist who wrote a progressive puff piece about two gay men adopting a young boy, who were later found to have been sexually abusing the child. The journalist has since focused her career on writing about the mean internet trolls who mocked her over the incident. Rather than, say, recognising her error in judgement and perhaps doing some work to help child abuse victims, she has instead decided to make it all about her - books, interviews, articles - all about how some people on twitter pointed out that she had given positive coverage to a couple of pedos in pursuit of pushing a progressive agenda.

Does anyone else find that women in their workplace will complain about how busy they are and then seemingly spend half their time at work chatting to co-workers?

Reminds me of that story about the all female company and how fucking miserable they were there because the woman all bullied each other and snitched on each other every other second.

I'm ok with this. Let me fucking work at home at my own leizure with my own food, and my own fucking time, so I don't have to watch their ugly mugs ever again.

How about a mix of women and jewish and black men? Even worse

two dads are better than one's in your path

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just posted this on her twitter lal

>a russian baby is only $8,000
Я гopжycь paбoтoй, кoтopyю мы здecь cдeлaли ))