Be me

>be me
>get new kitten tag team
>have 25 lbs hoss cat who has been drawing treats for a decade
>old cat takes kittens under his wing and teaches them about the cat business
>things going well for a month
>kittens starts hotdogging and grandstanding
>start doing flippy shit
>old cat takes them to kitty court for being marks for themselves
>kittens no show court appearance
>old cat hits one with a purr bite
>kitten gets color the hard way
>old cat has been trying to bury kittens ever since
Any way i can get the band back together and stop all this backstage politicking?

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Neuter them

I needed a poo and this made me giggle a lot so some poo came out

I don't know how to solve your cat problems but you made me giggle
Try on /an/ but be aware that those guys are assholes when it comes to cats

Old cat needs to let the tag team over. Oldtimer has to make way for the new peeps drawing the house.

But I would think maybe separating them (keeping one closed off from the other) till maybe the old cat becomes familiar with their scent again? Seemed to work on introducing a bengal kitten on YT.

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No way, that cat looks like an absolute unit and is justified in burying the vanilla kittens.

mmmmm hoss cat. Don't wanna mess with him

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there are a few books about this

make the switch

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I know this is silliness, but if you do really have cats that are acting up, Feliway really works. I had a cat and then I got a roommate with a cat and they kept fighting. I plugged in one of those Feliway diffuser things and they calmed down almost immediately.

flippy shit kittens with no psychology need to thank hoss ginger cats for drawing the goddamn treats

Same, I bought two of those warmers for the rooms they spend the most time (opposite ends of the house) in and that shit is great. Kittens naturally are fucking insane up to a certain age but the "real" fighting completely vanished and my 3 cats have chilled out a lot.

Yup. Good shit. I wish it wasn't so expensive.

At least it's less than the price Kevin Nash paid in the summer of 92.

This is legitimately the best thread I've seen on here for a long time.


They’ll find their own equilibrium, just assert dominance over the hoss and he should be less likely to fuck with the kittens.

If he is sitting on a chair, shoo him and just sit there for a bit and ghost him. Easiest way to show them it’s your territory. If they all see themselves as being allowed to co exist there at your leisure, they’ll form a little hierarchy that revolves around you. As long as you give them treats at the same time and give the Hoss treats first, it’ll feel secure in its place.


You mean the head booker?

make the switch. here's my doggo right now

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>nigger dog
ding-dong diddly cringe brother

this one better?

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Size of hoss cat
Vince. Strap. Now.

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book this stable's debut

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holy fucking based and puppilled catfags SEETHING
vanilla midgets

lucha house party

Thats a certified main eventer

The simp choice

>tfw my cat has the personality of a dog

He's really affectionate, energetic and loyal, not aloof like a lot of cats. But unlike a dog I don't need to walk him and he doesn't smell like shit. Doesn't get more based than my cat. I wonder what wrestler he could most be compared to. I'm thinking someone who excels in both characters & promos as well as in-ring work.

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I have an older cat and got a kitten recently. They initially had major heat. But my older cat has become more chill about it. He lets out a shoot hiss if the kitten gets near him while eating or if she’s doing flippyshit in his area. They could be forming a tag team soon, which would draw major dimes. So I think time is the key unless hoss cat goes into business for himself

name this tag team

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Lol nigga

Needs to take a nap, hit the food bowl and get a clue

based and redpilled

>posting literal vanilla midgets
fuck off with your flippy shit
big hosses will always draw more dimes

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>shoots on a child in your path

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Your cat takes selfies?

>Mexican manlets with anger issues
I’d say cringe but I actually have some mutt chihuahua rescues (one has three legs and one eye) and they’re pretty top tier user

why it look like these pets about to drop the most fire album of 2019

who was the jannetty?

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the one who's a pain in the ass to keep dry and clean when it's muddy and rainy outside

The one that dies before 9.