Based or cringe

based or cringe

Attached: 4.webm (360x268, 626K)

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He's the definition of cringe, can't wait for this bum's 15 mins to be over.

He's the new hipster smarks favorite..... until they get bored of his shtick and then they move on to another guy

Considering hes been wrestling over a decade and the character has been around almost as long I dont see that happening faggot

Freshly Squeezed Based

Love this dude.

>bionic elbow with theatrics

ULTRA cringe

The problem with this guy's particular brand of pro-wrestling comedy is it's almost entirely dependent on his opponent LETTING HIM do it. The best comedic wrestlers are the ones who can weave that comedy into a match without forcing the person they're working with to completely change the way THEY wrestle for their comedy to work. This shit only makes sense in a full blown comedy match where everyone's working as comedian.

>wrestling for over a decade

But only got "popular" a week ago.

Attached: giphy.gif (332x215, 1.99M)

Pretty based. A lot of casuals would watch and pay up for wrestlekino like this than gay workrate shit

Casuals would think this is the gayest shit they've ever seen since casuals associate pro-wrestling with guys like Austin, Rock, and Hogan.

At work people know I like wrestling and I'll show them a spot from youtube from chikara or something and they'll always pop. We're all tech engineers though so we're a bit nerdy already, though so are wrestling fans so I guess that point is moot

Just because you finally stepped out of your padded room edrone confinement doesn't mean he "just" got popular

A lot of casuals I know remember Santino Marella and all his shenanigans more than they remember the legit main eventers from the early 2010s.

Doesn't know indy shitter = e-drone. Between watching lucha and my japs I don't have time to watch the fed let alone some shitty american indie filmed in a vfw with the best potato a hotdog budget can buy.

based for 2 reasons
1) not in wwe
2) wrestling is meant to be fun and not taken seriously

Outlaw shitters that can't draw a dime without wrestling like clowns

Attached: 778.png (819x677, 117K)

>the fed
Please kys instead of dialating

The dude can unironically go

>almost entirely dependent on his opponent LETTING HIM do it.

You mean like the rest of pro wrestling?

Now read the next sentence in that post. He forces wrestlers to behave completely differently than they do in any other match with other wrestlers because that's the only way his comedy works. The webm in the OP is actually a perfect example: the wrestler in the corner (is that Colt Cabana?) is standing there FOREVER waiting for Cassiday to do his schtick and the whole time he's just looking like a retard for waiting so long. Of course if it is Colt Cabana then I'm sure the entire match was worked as a comedy match and shit like that is less retarded than if he were working with a "serious" wrestler, but he does that shit no matter who he's working with. I'm surprised so many wrestlers let him get away with it.

Anyone who defends this deserves to be fucked by Jim cornette. This guy is complete trash

"Freshly Squeezed" Orange Cassidy is /ourguy/

he does some matrix dodges and ultra instinct stuff that looks ok