This is problematic af

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They should do biniki books every summer like Stardom does

AEW with its SWJ shit will still be much more mature than WWE.

That would be insensitive to fat women whom consist of much of the aew fan's gfs and wives.

yeah I love reddit too

She is literally a 10/10, lucky fucking Cawdy

how are jedi in wrestling more mature than wwe?

If they filled the pages inbetween the photoshoots with fake inspirational quotes of empowerment they could get away with it

You tell me

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No joke i'd rate her a high 7 but I feels

Im pretty racist but shes one of the hottest non white women I ever did see


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>Cody gets off to other people fucking his wife
Can't make this shit up

cawdy's still objectively wrong

He is right, people put politics into a series about grandpas fightning with toy swords

Cuckody Rhodes

how is there at least being an agenda not obvious? everything is political when you post attention. it's only ok when you decide to not give a shit. truly the patrician choice

>Projecting your fetish

>following Dewey Foley
kill yourself

I'm not seeing the issue here

He's just keeping tabs to know when the best opportunity to cane him is

based blind user

This is a problem, they need to go further.

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Absolutely based, walking around the house naked is patrician

>defending TFA and TLJ
Why? They're legitimately awful movies. I can even explain why without even talking about one iota of nostalgia or sjw bullshit.

How about relying on the globe hopping adventures, where the planets feel less like unique planets and more like amusement park pitstops.

Why are all of the main characters so flat?
Why is the dialog so hamfisted and stilted?
Why do all of the actors feel so stiff in their delivery?
Where are the character arcs? Finn, for example, has no real character arc for the first movie. He's a former Stormtrooper. Okay, why is he a former one? Oh he pussed out. Okay, does he learn to find courage in the first movie? LOL WHO CARES LIGHTSABERS WOOOSH JEDI AND SITH JUST CONSUME THE NEXT PRODUCT CONSUMER. So you get to the second movie, and Rian's oneitis completely dumpsters that whole storyline. What the fuck is this bullshit?
Why do the new movies all flow terribly? Why do they feel the need to build up a scene, and then kill the build up with shitty marvel-esque quips? Why do the colors feel so washed out? Why even bother introducing a crime syndicate that you ignore after the first movie?
Why did Rian Johnson feel the need to shove a standin for his obvious high school crush? Who the fuck thought that the hack that made Jumper would be good enough for Star Wars? Why didn't JJ have a screenwriters bible to help with the next director? Why is there not a PR firm telling Rian and JJ to shut the fuck up?

TFA is okay

What are fat women doing watching a show where girls have to be athletic? What's next, will it be wrong for women to be fit in the Olympics?

If SJWs get their way, yes. Last Olympics I saw shit like "why do the sprinters have to wear such short shorts?"

All of which are legitimate and valid criticisms user. But you literally cannot account for the average movie-goer. They will like /anything/ with an advertisement budget and some cool nostalgia factors. I don’t blame Cody for liking the movies. He probably has some emotional attachment to the old series and wanted to see them rebooted.
Also, no SJW would ever think of this as offensive. I’m pretty left-leaning as far as faggots on Yea Forums go but any retard could see this is just her being “muh empowered” and showing off her hot ass body. Be prepared to see Scarlett and Allie doing bikini shoots under the guise of empowerment too lads

She’s hotter than Stephanie McTranny

there's literally nothing wrong here, just a chick showing off her bangin body, any social commentary being shoved into this is retarded

Have to agree with this. The neighbors complaining because I leave the windows open can fuck off, just don't look.

You are o-gay

The passive aggressiveness of this almost guarantees an unannounced guest got an eyeful.
Based ENF scenario.


I see you are a man of culture as well.

Um, do we cancel Brandi???

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I bet it was Cucky Omega and he wet himself

How is it problematic? She posted a pic of her the aew site reposted it. They do it with all their talents even when its random shit if you follow them.
Also are people gonna push this"they dont care about women wrestling" when they are actually doing it the right way going for a slow build to create an actual solid roster with stars? Lel

Fucking THIS. I dont care if the main characters are a girl and black guy JUST GIVE ME A GOOD SCRIPT to go with it and dont call me a sexist racist when I dont think its good. Same with captain marvel. Brie Larson is a smug no talent hack. Put ANY other woman in that role and id had seen it day 1.


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>they'll like anything they are told the like

Fixed that for you. Its alarming how many of my friends and family ive seen completely change their opinions because the news or social media told them too. For example my cousin hated TFA. But his friend linked him article saying only sexists didnt like TFA next thing you know hes saying its great "and on repeated viewings it gets better" these people are literally pic related.

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She has to be in top 5 sexiest black women EVER

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>only thing going for her is to post a half naked mirror selfie
this is the peak of women's wrestling

She got that exotic look but still fall in some part. She is the embodiment of 7.5/10. Its like if God JUST put a pinch of magic in there then its gold, but nooo, heaven decided to put her down here half-way through.

Whenever I see posts like this, I try hard not to imagine what the poster looks like, for fear of vomiting uncontrollably.

star wars is cringe

>Brandi walks in naked while Kenny helps himself to a sparkling water
>Brandi: Jesus Kenny don't you ever knock?
>Kenny: Don't worry Brandi, it does nothing for me.
>Kenny looks at a wallet sized photo of Kota and lets off a brief sigh


>tfw Cawdy is a bluepilled npc

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reminder that their sex life is something along the lines of
>call me a nigress Cawdy
>I d-don't want to

Based filter squashing this jobber jabroni into a bucket of salt and a handshake.

I'm just an Indonesian guy. Tanned, "exotic" looking girl like that is nothing special here.
I think I understand you. You might not know, but whiteoids always pick middle to lower non-white girls because God knows why. Dude's here is an entertainer in my third world country, and he married a walking yellow peril caricature.
Same with Cody. Brandi is literally an encyclopedia definition of "shitskin" and Cody just wifed this boring bitch that literally cant act so she ends up wearing bras and panties to matches despite her shtick of "social justice".

Opposite attracts, I guess.

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What in the blue hell is an onion rocky?
You mean s󠀀oy?
You fall to a damn filter!
How you think you goin to take ol STONE COLD STEVE AUTISM at Wrestlemania?

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This nigga: I don’t even think Brandi is super hot but she is easily an 8. If you think she is a 7 then I know you’ve never had sex

Why would it be insensitive to encourage these landwhales to get on a fucking treadmill and better themselves?

>translation: Please come to my house unexpectedly to fuck me while my cuckold husband watches.

On God I'll impregnate Brandi

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what a fucking cow kek

fridge. she'll be a whale in 5 years

high 6 for look
0 because mudbabies
Cody could do much better.

crinfe low test fags

most wrestlers are swingers

god damn, I'm truthfully jealous that cody gets to dick that whore. I don't even give af about leaked nudes, but when hers leaked my dick exploded into shrapnel

you already KNOW she's into the "slap me, call me nigger" shit.

disgusting monkey

Do you think she's ever been knotted by Pharaoh?

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Disney have figured out if you put a leftist slant on any brand liberals will defend it to the death no matter how poor it is. Star Wars is a perfect example where you have life long fans of the series being told the series isn't for them by numale zoomers because the main character is a girl.

I'm going for a peek lads.

Is she a nigger?

unironically yes

yeah, she just hides it better than some