How many dimes?

How many dimes?

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Many. Especially if he enters as a heel and talks shit condescendingly the way he does on twitter.

you have a better chance at having sex than him ever leaving da E

It'll never happen, but that'd be enormous for them.

Vince would kill himself.
Also this. He'd be a bases heel

aew is supposed to be the smark and soi promotion, if a real man like ramen rays showed up on their tv all the manbabies would cry and piss themselves and accuse him of sexal assault to get him away from their precious omemega

based filter going over this slapdick

candid roman seems like he's got loads of personality which is why his aggressively bland character is so frustrating

Since WWE is so creatively sterile I wouldn't be against Reigns outside of that hellhole because I don't think anything done there by the talent can be judged as a true reflection of what they're capable of.

That being said, I'd prefer to see him in NJPW. That's where the dime potential would be.

based as a motherfucker

I guess he's leaving the e since I fucked your mom.

>roman vs tanahashi, okada, or naito

i didn't even know i wanted this until now

More than Kenny Omega makes, and they might actually be able to turn him into a star.

>That being said, I'd prefer to see him in NJPW. That's where the dime potential would be.
Roman would immediately become the god of smarks if he did this

>Roman kills Kenny with one backdrop driver

Roman is unsalvageable. He's the last guy I would want in AEW. His character is a mess

Big League Roman heeling it up against the small time NJPW roster would be dimes.

The humbled face turn would be even more dimes.

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his character izza big dawg


Infinite dimes

They sign him and make him their version of R-Truth.

Not enough dimes in the us to answer that statement

I legit would love to see Roman in literally any place but WWE.
He's actually a good wrestler, but he's been booked into oblivion. Have him, the GoD and some other Pacific Islanders form a faction in New Japan with him as the leader and that would be cool