Why did Carmella post this then delete it a few minutes later?

Why did Carmella post this then delete it a few minutes later?

Attached: 20190614_103709.jpg (476x554, 186K)

Ara ara

Didnt want creepy fucks to stalk her legit family

too many white people

what happened to her. she looks normal and cute here, and not like a creepy fish alien like she usually does. is this an old picture?



wtf she actually looks like a biological woman 'ere

WWE makeup people are shit

Hiding evidence

whiter than you muhammad

Attached: 1536200577775.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

Because by some miracle she caught herself acting like a basic bitch and retracted it.

Honestly, what does this picture provide other then basic bitch selfie 101? Find something and pretend to take a picture by putting yourself in it. Post it online for 100 beta male likes and comments.

Attached: 2af013b32a4d5dce67d8c373957122ea.jpg (1080x1343, 297K)

Why did he thin out his hair?
That thick head of hair Anime Antihero look probably drew him so much Yen yet he just makes it shorter & thinner through the years
I hate when guys do that to their hair.

Ok 15% negroid, 15% Injun, 30% Potato nigger, 40% Slavshit

Holy kek, imagine being this cucked

Of course it's old. She looks nothing like this anymore.

Nice photoshop.

Dimes look.

did they?

god i wish that were me

Hey kids wanna /ss/?


Attached: carmellawwe_BsrhJaEAhk6.jpg (1080x1349, 748K)

bros dont you think kenny knows this.... he had no choice bros.... his hair is probably thinning, and I'm sure dying it so many times isn't helping... hes gonna be BALD