Wolfcuc in an absolute shambles

Wolfcuc in an absolute shambles

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Never drew a single dime.

jannie was raped in the summer of 2019


Now that the dust has settled and indeed DCWAS
It's still good to see Big Kev and Deadie can settle their differences over an ice cold beer



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Get a fucking life.


ya seethe?

>every single post that defended Big Daddy Bitch had an UK flag

Attached: 1555494499033.jpg (400x358, 90K)

>reduced to tears

and nobody cares but you

Attached: 1558563733004.gif (200x200, 672K)

Just like Nash.

you mean Samoa Joe


How could you not tear up after hearing Kevin's story? Big respect for Joe.

not talking about your fanfic, i'm talking for a shoot

>Deadie Cuckuerrero
said Nash was "evil" *dies*
>Doink the Clown
talked shit about Nash *dies*
>Ultimate Warrior
talked shit about Nash *dies*
>Roddy Piper
lies about getting punked out by Nash *dies*
>Samoa Joe
slapped by Nash and *cries*

>it's another "Wolfie lives in Yea Forums's head" episode

Wolfie just showed up KEK

So I thought the deadie poster was Carter larping as Wolfie but it was consistently a UK flag in Yea Forums, does this mean Carter is UK as well?

just planted a little bait, so funny how they think their winning, yet I post here once in a blue moon and there at it 24/7 accomplishing nothing with their lives, so who is really winning? they're seriously obsessed! I've got better things to do then spam about a rape that never happened every day but I can spare a few hours a week, it's amusing living in their heads rent free

>what is a VPN

>all those different flags shitting on Nash
Who knew this place was so diverse

>laughing at le rape meme
Low IQ
>pretending to be wolfchad and garnering infinite (You)'s making aspetties seethe
universe brain

>Kevin Nash
hurt his leg on a live international broadcast and *cries*

Almost all banned from this site. Name a VPN that still works here.

>spoonfeed me I'm a newfag

Attached: [tapswebbing].png (715x545, 572K)

>can't name one
Desperate damage control.

ya new

>damage control intensifies
Tell me what general seething comes from so I know you have been here at least 3 years

>he can't go over Yea Forums
>he jobs to the banned VPN list

>he samefags support for himself because he has been backed into a corner
>he jobs out to the poster replies function yet again

>newfag cope
mmmm never gonna make it with the wolves

Attached: devilishcat.jpg (500x666, 29K)

>Kevin Trash
Raped by a pack of bulbasaurs and *cums*

Outed. Haven't even put three (3) years in.

werked newfag

>I-It was a V-VPN
>N-No I can't name one
>N-No I wasn't here for /wwe/

based newfag getting buried by hiro

Outed yourself.

Attached: 1560513224450.jpg (882x127, 50K)

unironically worked and newpilled

>doesn't know where seething came from
Based projecting newfren backed into a corner, exposed and outed.

Outed yourself.

newfags can't into proxy

>doesn't know where seething comes from
How many proxies are you behind?

>>he samefags support for himself because he has been backed into a corner
The fuck are you talking about retard I was just mocking you for being technologically illiterate and unable to bypass the relative mudshack of Yea Forums(nel).
>>he jobs out to the poster replies function yet again
Poster reply function only increases for the first post each thread newboi, and I posted previously.

NordVPN has servers that work here according to a recent discussion I just read after a simple google search. My antivirus came with a trial of one that worked here that I used last year. It's not some rare thing for a VPN to not be banned.

more than you since you can't figure them out newfaggetty

Seething samefag cringe. You got BTFO on Yea Forums started crying about VPN's and can't name one. Sad.

>doesn't know where seething came from
>misses the setup for I'm behind 7 proxies
Outed yourself again.

holy copoli newfagoli

It's been done you pathetic bitch. Get a life.

Exposed and seething.

You've been outed ya seething newfag. user's source is a reddit post. Search it yourself.

Can we stop this autism and just go back to making fun of Kevin Nash?

ya new

Just got here from reddit. What are y'all even talking about?

Ya outed yaself newfren.

How based reddit is in secret Yea Forums lingo.

Nice! I have found my people!

i pay for nord it doesn't work here. they do a free week trial you can see for yourself

ya seethe?

Why would I be seething when you outed yourself? You don't even know about 7 proxies lmao you are a literal redditbabby.

Stay on your own board you fucking fake fighting nerds

Cant stop wont stop.
>tfw you been calling wolfie a nigger a faggot, have been making fun of him and all of Yea Forums and I get no ban

Nah Ive been thinking its time Yea Forums takes back whats rightfully ours. One board isnt big enough to contain all of our shitposts.

Based thread

It’s happening again