

Attached: DAVE BTFO.png (785x877, 128K)

I really don’t care why this is a big deal. He’s a critic. He’s supposed to be bias. There’s no objectivity in personal opinion.

And Jim Ross is now on AEW payroll

Critics aren't supposed to be biased, you moron.

most based retard post of the day

Seething E Drone.

People who don't know boomers don't get that a boomer like JR considers it his job to shamelessly shill for whoever is paying him. The guy is a living PR machine, you can't take him seriously.

AE wrestling was hot garbage and 90% character driven. Looking from the outside in without much investment, it's pretty trash. As more and more fans are born who have zero nostalgia for AE, the novelty of that era lessens and all you are left with are mostly garbage matches trying too hard to be edgy.

It's an era of spectacle, the problem with spectacles is that they are only appreciated in their own time. A great match is great forever, a great spectacle will eventually lose it's relevancy.

Seething weeb


Yes, but imagine listening to Dave burying NJPW during the lean years. He hated it back then. It wasn't until Okada came back.

Decent bait

Roger Ebert was one of the most respected critics and he was completely biased. People that pretend critics aren't biased are retards.

You actually made me laugh. You're absolutely right, sweet child. But there's no such thing as a critic that isn't biased as fuck in some way. They all are. Being a critic is the same as having an opinion. The sooner you learn this the better. You're welcome.

It’s a work

But he isn’t, though.

You're an idiot.

Criticism isn't science.

>sean ross sapp leaping in happily
What a faggot, this guy is a cancer.




The Cult of Meltzer will not be happy about this

You should read what you write before pressing "post". You might actually see how stupid you re.

There's a lot of biased science though

how can you have an unbiased opinion on an entirely subjective experience