AsukaChads Assemble
God that fat gook loves BBC
>one poster
The state of your life Kevin
i'd really like to see asuka/kana vs hana kimura one of these days....but i get the feeling asuka might want to retire in wwe (and possibly sooner than i'd like) and idk if hana would be anywhere near that company's radar (and even if she was she just officially signed a deal with stardom just a couple months ago so she's probably tied up with them for a couple years at least)
Asuka was creampied by Xavier Woods in the cool summer of 2019
It will sadly never happen
Asuka hates Joshi wrestling. She couldn't sign that WWE contract fast enough.
>so she's probably tied up with them for a couple years at least
Japanese contracts in pro wrestling are usually year-to-year. With Hana's mom most likely as her agents I'd be surprised if she signed some multi-year deal.
You know she’s still a joshi wrestler right, how fucking retarded are you
I could watch joshi if all it’s fans weren’t trannies and stupid fucking teenage liberal faggots
i think he's referring to interviews she did pre-wwe talking about how she was more of a fan of japanese men's wrestling growing up, and that new japan and all japan guys had more influence on her style than the joshis that were big when she was a kid. this apparently cause a bit of controversy around the time that interview came out, a lot of older joshis felt disrespected by her comments
I fucking doubt it. She was a nobody, working what, ice ribbon, before that battlarts? Or something? It makes sense she often wrestled men. But I doubt anyone with a storied career in AJW or something gave a shit. Sounds like discord tranny make believe bullshit.
Security sounds like a chill job. Every security dude I've met says they just fuck around and are on their phone all shift. There's just something about them that rubs me the wrong way. It's like they're autistic, or slightly mentally retarded.
Ara ara anonkun, ret me make ru cummy for mummy
says the guy posting on asp at 4am on a weeknight
She was trained in AtoZ (reboot of ARSION) where Sara Del Rey also trained. After she got BTFO by Nanae Takahashi (last top star in AJW) for being an unapologetically unsafe shitter, the anti-joshi manifest came out and she started doing the intergender shit. Bookings became slim pickings for her outside of shit like WAVE, the matches with men and SMASH and eventually she had to relax her stiffness plus go back on the shit she talked against in the manifesto.
Asuka will never tuck you into bed, humming Japanese lullabies throughout, and kiss you goodnight on the forehead
You post the same things every thread, Kevin
Not kevin but it's a gimmick like shiv liv cat
No Mommy, I promise I'll pass in my homework more often, I'm sorry Momm-mfffmfmfmmfmmm
god i wish that were me
>only smash
if you insist
You pass classes not homework
That tweet tirade she had after she won the NXT women's title
I would rather see Konami vs Hana with Asuka and Kyoko on each corner. By the end, Asuka and Kyoko would be bleeding and stiffing each other while Hana and Konami watch having a drink.
Asuka hates that Alien-Caveman looking mutt. She trained her wrong on purpose.
is that why she's better than Asuka nowadays?