I truly, truly don't understand this. Why does WWE do the same matches over and over and over again?

I truly, truly don't understand this. Why does WWE do the same matches over and over and over again?

Ratings are absolutely tanking. Subscriber numbers are down. They are not making new fans and their existing ones are dying off.

They have the deepest roster in the history of professional wrestling, and tremendous amounts of TV time to fill. But we never even see 80 percent of the roster. Why can't they just do fresh matchups? Do they genuinely think running Corbin vs Rollins again is the answer? What happens when they're gone and they haven't made a single new star?

Attached: Seth-Rollins-will-face-Corbin-in-a-rematch-at-Stomping-grounds-770x400.png (770x400, 218K)

Wish I had the pic encapsulating the Sheamus/Del Rio feud over the WHC title. It was something like 7 ppvs in a row


Because this company loves playing favourites, especially with homegrown people

Corbin is unironically the worst professional wrestler in the world right now.
Let’s rate him using the Bret Hart method:
3. Only because he’s okay in multi-man matches.
2. Absolutely fucking garbage
-10. Unironically has the worst look I have ever seen on a wrestler. Horrible body, attire and a stupid looking face.

>every match should be a first time ever meeting

>Over The Limit 2012 - May 20
WHC - Fatal 4-Way Match: Sheamus (C) Def. Alberto Del Rio, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton

>Money In The Bank 2012 - July 15
WHC: Sheamus (C) Def. Alberto Del Rio

>Summerslam 2012 - August 19
WHC: Sheamus (C) Def. Alberto Del Rio

>Night Of Champions 2012 - September 16
WHC: Sheamus (C) Def. Alberto Del Rio

Attached: f02.jpg (642x1805, 228K)


>They have the deepest roster in the history of professional wrestling
I legit kek every time I read this. So funny.

based spoiler man

Corbin has a fucking 10 heel look. Tall and strong looking, but not too strong. A flabby guy that's bald/balding with a stupid head that still wins through cheating is prime heel 101 territory. Not his fault that fans just want to see muh dream matches, and not get invested in a story. He's also not a terrible worker. Not great, but he's not a damn train wreck by any means.

>Not his fault that fans just want to see muh dream matches, and not get invested in a story.

>Corbin has a fucking 10 heel look. Tall and strong looking, but not too strong. A flabby guy that's bald/balding with a stupid head
Imagine actually thinking this. Go back to bed, Vince.


hi Baron

Dude, just stop watching. I did about 4 months back, don’t miss it at all. Between NJPW World and AEW running a show every month I’m watching so much more higher quality wrestling & entertainment and in less time.

Not only is the quality of the product absolute shit, they abuse your time with so much god damned commercials and self-shilling.

at some point wwe decided storytelling means doing the same thing over and over

yeah the fucking commercial breaks are ridiculous
theres zero point in watching the weekly shows

Last paragraph is the straw that breaks the camels back

WWE will never recover because of this, it happened in every other form of entertainment

Vince just sincerely feels that X-pac heat is a good kind of heat. He gave vickie guerrero a big role for years (although she got gud sorta)

If they didn't do the same matches over and over, then that would mean they'd actually have to book more people instead of letting them sit at catering

Make the switch, user.

Attached: A67BA28C-978C-4D3B-B0E1-7383D3385421.png (1268x712, 508K)

You just described Corporate Kane. >10 heel look..

And WWE is so lame they just recycled the gimmick onto Corbin.

kane at his flabbiest still has a better look than corbin and he's also lightyears ahead as a promo

Corbin looks like the face and Rollins looks like the shiteating heel

Corbin has a 4:21 w/l on ppv, he doesn't win

Switch to what? A ppv every two months? There's no tv show yet

holy shit so he's the new bray huh?

They don't treat the Saudi PPV as anything more than a houseshow, but they don't have time to build enough new storylines for it or for the PPV after it so they have to keep stretching whatever they currently have going on.

It's what killed the Shinsuke fued

>They have the deepest roster in the history of professional wrestling,

Can you stop

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