You guys understand that 90 percent of "neck bumps" are worked, right? Wrestlers train for flexibility...

You guys understand that 90 percent of "neck bumps" are worked, right? Wrestlers train for flexibility, they tuck their head and take the bump on their shoulders and upper back and sell the neck.

The marks absolutely eat it up. Even wrestling journalists fall for it.

Attached: DZttLFTUMAE7T0h.jpg (1400x1400, 106K)

came for the sawdust

Misawa’s death was a work

Explain this

Attached: fddr.webm (940x520, 2.7M)

strong nekku, foderu over wan sausand time

Attached: ibushi neck bumps.webm (346x260, 1.29M)

Relaxes his neck muscles, so with the forward momentum, it just grazes the mat without actually putting any weight down on his vertebrae. It's a very smart bump. If he was stiff it would break his neck, yes.

rich famiry dont gotta exprain shit

He's going to debut at All Out


Too much evidence to the contrary.


Bump taker here.

The fact that he had the momentum to get over to his stomach doesn't make mw think twice.

Bumps where the neck goes sideways or they shop without getting too much of their shoulders down are the ones that make me cringe.

Being a bigger guy that has to post for the flippy midgets in practice all the time, it's having guys wrap their legs or arms or whatever around my head over and over that leaves me sore. I feel like it's way worse than taking a German or even a driver but I'm sure that shit adds up.

Attached: AkiyamaWristClutch.gif (320x240, 2.04M)

Oh, and pic related is a good example of how they train you to take a head/neck bump. Roll through it with every vertebra touching the mat like sliding your finger down a piano.

You’ve never been in a ring or taken a bump have you?

Man how did that blond guy do so many Canadian destroyers in a row when he has like no muscle mass?

You know that's a doll right?

Quite possibly the dumbest post I've ever read.

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Do you honestly, sincerely think these guys would be alive if all of those neck bumps were a shoot? Please. You guys sound like insecure marks that have to hold on to something "real" to justify your interest in pro wrestling.

He's fucking right, nearly every single neck bump the dude puts his forearm down first or lands on his shoulder.

Not everyone is a fragile agoraphobic basement dweller like you.

this. you're being worked, and I don't understand why this is hard to accept. Literally just look at a shoot neck bump (Hiromu's injury) vs almost any Ibushi neck bump. Look at where his weight is actually landing.

Is anyone arguing that the neck drops are "shoots"? There is safety and protection involved, yes, but the bumps are still damaging to the neck and there is available evidence proving this.

How many pro wrestlers have actually died in the ring as a result of injuries? Because I almost guarantee you it's lower than almost any other contact sport. There have been literally hundreds of guys that died in a boxing ring.

Pro wrestlers are incredible at protecting themselves, and if they are trying to convince you that something is "really' dangerous, your work senses should kick in.

Its nearly impossible to die from doing wrestling today but the possibility of paralyzing or seriously injuring yourself is always there.