Grow a gut

Grow a gut.
Do a dive.

Attached: shingo.webm (1280x720, 2.46M)

Shingomania is running wild on me

Attached: 1559570791255.png (652x592, 440K)

I marked out to this.

Attached: 1559706995587.gif (220x220, 121K)

If you wanna do dives, make them count. Shingo may be the best in in-ring execution right now.

Is Shingo the only modern wrestler that Yea Forums universally thinks is based?


Old and busted, keeps hogging the spotlight. Shingo is pretty cool though.


based choppaman


Attached: 1559966238461.gif (365x205, 2.25M)

Attached: PUMPING.webm (1280x720, 1.55M)

Nick Gage

i can't be the only one who hates when a wrestler moonsaults while taking a moonsault
after watching his matches last weekend and seeing these clips i agree. everything he does has impact on both his opponent and himself which makes each move matter

meant moosaults when taking a clothesline


Im not a fan when the rotation looks super artificial but that one looks fine to me.
I mean I know its assisted but he hits with enough speed that it doesnt take me out of it.

Attached: SlidingL.webm (1280x720, 1.79M)

not gonna lie, that shit was amazing live


Shingo is top 5 in the world right now.

Shingo, Ishii, Bryan too if you remove wolfcuck. Funny how neither of them is over 5'10.

Teddy Hart

This one is fine because Osprey not only doesn't overflip Shingo is going full fucking speed using the ropes as catapults to hit that massive pomping bomber. Now, if I see what I see in wwe, guys flipping out of clotheslines thrown at 0.25 the speed of this one, then yeah, I hate it too.

Kevin Nash

>has the same match every time



literally tell me why the fuck did he not go over simpspray

Because hes not going to be a Jr.
Ospreay will be openweight, Shingo will move to HW full time probably after the next BOSJ.

Because that wasn't the story they were telling.
You gonna do something about it?

Shingo is fucking amazing

Attached: Shingo pumped.jpg (960x954, 114K)

i guess i can't really do anything about it other than get mad on an image board
i guess i'll go fuck your mother a few more times to blow off some steam
laterz my dudes

Yep. Thats a cringe.

Attached: 1507008356723.png (424x318, 208K)

one is 36 and from another company the other is 26 and loyal as fuck

russo was mega cringe

>shingo will never pump your bomber

do people hate on suzuki because he's old? i haven't hung around here in a few years.

>Never the guy
>Fake tough guy
>Fake shooter
>Won as many legit fights as Cuck Man Phil
>PANCRASE was a work
>as legit of a fighter as Akira Maeda & Nobuhiko Takada
>was Masakatsu Funaki's Jannetty
>dropped out of the NJ Dojo because he didn't have what it took
>nearly killed NOAH because he's an anti-draw
>never won a G1
>never won the IWGP HW strap
>has literally wrestled in empty arenas
>never drew a single dime
>never sold a single shirt
>janettied by his theme song
>faction full of jobbers
>literally wears a fedora
>stupid haircut
>"shooter" who doesn't even have cauliflower ears
>stole Taz's towel gimmick
>NEVER Champion because he NEVER drew a dime
>senior citizen who picks on Young Lions because they're not allowed to beat his ass
>not good enough for main card of WK13
>wasn't good enough to wrestle in America for 30-years
>when he finally was able to come over for the 1st time in 30-years to wrestle Cody, he lowered himself by thanking Cody for drawing the house in front of the entire lockerrom.
>"Kaze Ni Nare" means "Allergic to Yen"
>nicknamed The Lonely Warrior because no one comes to see him wrestle

Can't stand him. Fake tough bullshit.

Royce Gracie doesn't have cauliflower ear either. Same goes for a lot of old-school guys actually.

Suzuki is the man. Pipe down, vermin.

>Knocked himself out jumping guard

Attached: FavorableFrayedBorer.webm (320x204, 411K)


Because "muh western expansion".

>Royce Gracie
Can't have cauliflower ears when you're bitchmade

Keep your ebonics away from me, man.

>Two awful rope runs in a row

>imagine being a hue

no one here hates okada

more like no cares about borekada


>gets knocked the fuck out by a few Naitetty slaps