>Is one of his sources in NJPW
>Gives him 5 stars when the match wasn't that good.
You better complain about this shit as much as you did when he did the same for Kenny.
>Is one of his sources in NJPW
>Gives him 5 stars when the match wasn't that good.
You better complain about this shit as much as you did when he did the same for Kenny.
Kenny is way better though, and also had hype behind him.
Nobody really seems to care about Ospreay.
There always has to be a gaijin ace with Meltzer. Shit's getting boring now.
Kenny has a lot of talent regardless of how you feel about him personally. Still waiting for Ospreay to do something interesting.
>You better complain about this shit as much as you did when he did the same for Kenny.
Assplay already gets a lot of hate so you'll get what you want
I don't know your criteria for talent but if you hold Omega in high regards according to your talent judgement, then Osprey is literally his equal. Both do over convoluted flips, both take insane bumps, both do overly goofy selling faces, both cut overly cringe worthy anime dubbed voices promo, they're literally the same. If that is the case, you can't hold Omega in high regard and not see the exact qualities in Osprey, that just makes you contradicting yourself. Or you only think Omega is better because Osprey makes you seethe for personal reason, in which case they're equally not talented when they're quite exact carbon copies because you're obviously biased.
BASED. Elitefag btfo
You can't watch the Omega/Okada series and say that they're the same. Kenny strenght is storytelling. Ospreay is insane moves
>goofy faces and overflopping selling is a strength point in storytelling now
god how did we arrive at this semen slurping point
>Kenny strenght is storytelling.
Kenny cant tell story for shit and has had good matches only when carried by superior workers. There is a reason why he isnt working for the big leagues - he isnt good enough. NXT and 205live are full of shitters but each of them are better than Kennetty
Keep seething bro
Both Omega and Osprey absolutely suck and is what's wrong with modern day pro wrestling.
Ospreay didn't get pushed to the moon like Omega,that's the only difference.
And Ospreay didn't embarass the business by wrestling a 9 year old.
>All the Okada/Omega matches are different from the previous one, adding moves from previous matches.
>Decade old story with Ibushi
>Keeping kayfabe all the time, even on social media.
Seethe more Jim
What's the problem,not enough headlocks for ya?
Meltz has been fellating Ospreay for years, Yea Forums was just too worked up about Kenny to ever notice. Dave has a huge boner for Will "Flip and Shriek" Osprey. The problem is that New Japan seems to believe that Dave is some kind of respected journalist whose opinions they can trust and profit off of, so when they read "I liked when someone chopped his chest and he did a backflip and yelled alot, ******", they think "wow, this kid's pretty good, let's push him".
That said, I'll take Ospreay over Kenny any day, but it's mostly just personal taste.
You act as if he isn't over with the fans.
>The problem is that New Japan seems to believe that Dave is some kind of respected journalist whose opinions they can trust and profit off of
I don't think New Japan even cares about Meltzer,its all about crowd reaction and Ospreay got over.
>adding moves
tells me everything about you
What's the matter, can't stop watching pro wrestling like I did because you're such a slave to it?
>muh story
I restarted watching wrestling a year ago after being out of the loop for ten,granted i don't watch WWE so i actually care about in-ring stuff.
Flippity floppity what amazing WRASSLIN.
If the "flippity floppity" makes sense then i don't have a problem with it
>watching wrestling for the wrestling
ding dong diddly based
>watching wrestling for the "storylines"
If it was like 20 years ago you would have been somewhat right
>Stand still for 30 seconds while i strike poses do a black flip land on my neck and then you pretend it hurt you more and roll my limp carcass on top of yourself.
flippy floppy wrestling doesnt make any sense because its all obvious cooperation and looks fake as fuck so try again mr i love in ring wrasslin.
>watching wrestling
I honestly much prefer him to Kenny. I fully understand why certain cornette type people wouldn't like him, but his matches entertain the fuck out of me. Sorry OP.
They do. They promoted the shit out of the first Kenny and Okada match due to 6* rating.
>WOR 6/13 - 28 minutes in
>All the girls were impressive but you know who stood out the most? Shida.
At least Kenny matches dont look like a dance.
He was talking about presence. She even talked about her on todays WOR.
Don't you have a hair plug appointment Nick?
Seek sunlight Jim
Shida is doing Ace thing. Robes, regal demeanor and shit like that. The thing that Charlotte does? As the only one in the west basically? Carries herself with swagger?
If she thinks she can coast by sucking Kenny's dick she will fail. She doesn't have the presence of Asuka and AEW hasn't tried to push her as the ace.
Yuka would make print money for AEW, is the one every chick was talking about after the show when referencing the match and isn't as busted up and old as Shida
Shida knows how to speak english. Yuka doesn't
Yuka will probably stay in TJP. Shida signed. The math is easy. You push someone who is the most pushable of those you sign. Or at least before you have a show, after first attempts you course correct and push people who will make you the most money, ergo those who have best crowd reactions.
>Carries herself with swagger?
You mean by bouncing her ass on exercise balls in skimply clad micro bikini?
>and isn't as busted up and old as Shida
Yuka is older than Shida
She can't fail, she's Kenny's wife and she's the best woman wrestler they signed so people won't complain about nepotism
During that """"""seven star match""""""" they spent half the second fall lying on the floor after one move. it wasn't great storytelling at all
Its called selling. Will. You will get it one day.
>and isn't as busted up and old as Shida
ding-dong diddly worked
>makes this face every time someone kicks out of a move that has never beaten anyone
You stopped watching wrestling but still go on a fucking wrestling message board? That’s even worse
Obviously because she’s fucking Kenny. Such a shill.
>listening to WOR
Based ive been bro fuck oshitter
Are you shoot retarded? Okada is responsible for the story telling of that match. Okada elevates talent like no one else.
Unironically, Ospreay has really improved in recent years. He's still a movez guy, but his match structures are getting better at least. At worst, he's undoubtedly the top junior. Hopefully once he spends more time with the heavyweights he'll lose the retarded junior habits.
It's because he's such a slave to it
He has no hype behind him like Kenny, because everyone sees he's a flippy movez guy. Meltz can give him all the flakes he wants.