I'll take "Shit that idiot foreigners think is good for the local and main fanbase, Alex"

I'll take "Shit that idiot foreigners think is good for the local and main fanbase, Alex"

Attached: Screenshot_20190613-060324.jpg (1059x1325, 388K)

Didn't I see that tweet last year, word for word?

you tell me.

Did we not just have a thread on this? White virtue signaling faggots who have only seen NJPW since Kenny Omega's hebi q title run think they can just completely transform another country's culture by tweet shaming is hilarious.

I can't wait till SJW outrage culture caves in on itself

>Please don't give me arguments since I have no comeback for them
What a simp. Anyone who says this shit isn't worth a second of time.

I think I'll have the "Doesn't understand that the primary focus of a Japanese promotion is their Japanese fanbase" for starters followed by the "Thinks that NJPW trying to expand into America gives him the right to demand stuff from the company"

I don't know about you guys but I watch NJPW because there are no women matches


Attached: ItfK.gif (250x186, 117K)

Dude is getting BTFO in his twitter thread, that faggot Sean Sapp too

Attached: kekles.jpg (618x537, 159K)

would love to see a joshi promotion, any fucking one of them, get an american tv deal just to shut people like this up (and also because i'm legit curious how well it would do ratings-wise, if it actually succeeds then cool, if it doesn't then western numales that act like they speak for everyone get eternally btfo)

Is Sean Sapp the same dude that used to have the seanbaby website and work for ign? I regret to say I used to visit his site alot in the ate 90s.

>would love to see a joshi promotion, any fucking one of them, get an american tv deal just to shut people like this up
That woudn't shut them up. They'd still be seething that the biggest Japanese promotion doesn't employ female wrestlers

>New Japan Pro Wrestling is the second biggest promotion in the world.


Attached: KeChanguito.png (480x318, 268K)

You'll be left waiting for eternity.

>not my job
And there he exposed himself like a total geek

> not my job

NJPW has seppeku'd by chasing an American audience.


Thats the problem with these SJW faggots, it's NEVER enough.

just report this geek tweet. if twitter is run on hysteria like facebook these days, then a couple of reports would do harm to that know-it-all shitter.

yeah because Japanese women in Japan REALLY WANT women's wrestling


Attached: Yuumi Furuya & NJPW dads.jpg (988x671, 103K)

Are Beaners really believe their third world booga wooga monky dancing is bigger than NJ?

Harold isn't an idiot and knows where NJPW's bread is buttered and that's their domestic female fanbase. He's not gonna give into some neckbeard on twitter who thinks women's wrestling is the future

desu, I kind of want to see it. Just to witness the meltdown they'll have when NJPW suddenly starts to lose popularity.

>"Why doesn nobody like New Japan suddenly, they have females now, this is what we wanted"

>not my job
then why is he critiquing their system

>seanbaby website and work for ign?

Because he's a geek, like stated

How about not an excuse, but the best reason? Women's wrestling is fucking trash. It's like preferring the special Olympics to the real Olympics. fuck outta here.

>It's like preferring the special Olympics to the real Olympics
Best analogy

>then sit down

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I don't think Japan has the SJW bug yet, the fans will just see lower quality of wrestling and stop watching.

Oh, and NJPW will eat all of the joshi companies, then this homo will be bitching about that.

holy hell...

Attached: june 2019 mort.jpg (549x427, 76K)

AAA is absolutely bigger than NJPW and everything that is not WWE
Great crowds every fucking day and a relatively big TV show.

CMLL is probably above every other promotion

Based mort


This shit again? Are they going to do this every year? Is it an annual thing now?

See and prepare yourself for September and December


god I hate white people

I don’t think having women would kill NJPW but it would 100% kill plenty of smaller joshi promotions

replying to my own post because i had another thought: do you think the corporate upper brass of new japan would ever be interested in an offshoot/'sister promotion' that featured joshis and gaijin girls, ala the ddt/tjpw setup? that might be another way you placate the westerners complaining about no womeme rasslers in new japan's employ, without fundamentally changing the new japan product as-is.


Not right now, they are focusing on becoming bigger in Japan, and seeing how the expansion goes. Maybe one day.

White leftists (baizuo) literally trying to eat NJPW alive. Half the acts in NJ would be pushed out to make way for women, its what happened in WWE.

Tell these losers to buy subs to joshi feds and WWE needs to just have a women's brand and get those non-drawing whores off of RAW and SDL

The audience for the female promotions in Japan is just horny old men and neets. That’s why they make them act like idols.

>then sit down


>Women wrestling
>Women sports
>Women in a company

Attached: f7d.gif (200x200, 1.83M)

Fucking Moomins didn't deserve this fate.

this homo doesn't know or support any actual joshi companies in the first place, that's why all this virtue signalling bullshit is just an excuse for laziness

>why should -I- make the effort to actively seek out all the available joshi promotions, nah that would be too hard, so I just demand that the largest company I know just simply serves them to me on a platter

>The audience for the female promotions in Japan is just horny old men and neets. That’s why they make them act like idols.
Chigusa, Nanae and Meiko are working on changing it.


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he’s got 1992 reasons not to care about women

you never placate them, they'll always find something to complain (in a way it's their business model, see constant outrage economy).

make a separate company and they'll bitch about segregation, less than equal!

integrate them in the main roster, they'll just move on to criticize their place on the card (can never be high enough for them, see the WWE having to push womemes to main events and it's still never enough).

NJPW is better off just disregarding that unwinnable game anyway and continue what they're doing

Not only is women's main events not enough for them, it also fucked over the company having Becky as the 'main draw'.

This I mean look at the womeme revolution shit in wwe these are supposed to be the REAL women wrestlers not fake tit bimbo pornstar divas and they botch the most simple moves every single match.

>wants women to be undercard shitters in NJPW instead of being main event stars in joshi promotions
>wants to kill the joshi system which has been hugely successful in creating some of the greatest women wrestlers of all time just to force "equality"
>claims to support womens wrestling
We're approaching levels of simp that shouldn't be possible

th...theres no pattern there

The funny thing is that you know this is the same type of person who will bitch about cultural appropriation.

SJW want the most popular things to change because

1)they are usually plebs
2)more popular=wider reach to spread their propaganda
3)will probably force smaller companies to do the same

Agreed. Everyone needs to ignore complainers.

this parallels the diversity push in videogames.

>We demand you put more minorities in your games!

>Why don't you just make your own games then with as many minorities as you want, instead of trying to force others to do it for you?

>REEEEEE No that's too hard, I don't want to do any other work than just bitching on twitter

and even if you give them an inch, you know the demands would just continue to creep upwards. There's an endless amount of minority groups to be "represented" (and every year a dozen more get invented), and you could never craft a portrayal that would satisfy every last twitter moaner

This, this needs to get brought up every time someone makes this stupid argument. You offer them a finger and they'll take your whole arm

>september, december, june, september, december, june
>no pattern
based retard

>implying that they think it's good for anyone
>implying it's anything but virtue signalling and preparing a defense if they're ever accused of being in the same zip code of a woman without consent
If New Japan instituted a woman's division, shuttering all the major Joshi promotions that lost all their top stars, then New Japan went bankrupt because nobody wants to watch women, thereby stranding all the talent and taking the Japanese wrestling scene back 30 years, these fuckers would be pleased as punch because their twitter tantrum had tangible effects and that is all they're looking for.

“I don’t watch or care about joshi but here’s my irrefutable opinion on how it should be”

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"Women wrestling is trash" every single joshi on earth + aja Kong gets in your path
Just because American women wrestler are untalented brainless bimbo twat doesnt mean it's the same everywhere. Now fuck off retard

-> 2nd biggest promotion in the world
Is AAA dead?

people , having women do something isnt "diversity"
How are women "diversity" if they are literally half of the human population? Not that I care about this stupid debate or njpw at all. But calling women "diversite" is absolutely retarded.

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>using twitter
>caring about what some literal who sjw on twitter thinks
why are you letting people like this upset you OP? you're getting worked into a shoot brother

No theyre not.

>Then sit down.

Attached: KingChadorah.png (758x395, 177K)

>be me
>grow up in the late 90's
>wrestling peaks for the first time since the 80's
>Indie comics peak
>Video games gain mass appeal
>Cartoons are as good as ever
>Fast forward to 2019
>Everything I gave a modicum of a fuck about is ruined by SJWs
>Can't criticize without being called a nostalgia-fag

>tfw you'll never a NJPW wrestler who dallies with shy but thirsty Japanese housewives


it's leaking into actual wrestler discussions though because that faggot sean sapp chimed in and got BTFO

and to the surprise of no-one, the namefag has a reddit-tier opinion

did the wrestler test take a test?

Wrestling IS for the sjws now

LOL, I love this clip. Need to speed it up while playing the "Theme from Benny Hill", "Yakety Sax" or the sax version of "Mana Mana" in the background and it just adds to the comedic effect.

NJPW need a black Young Lion first. After that happen then we can talk about bitches getting paid.

SJWs are literally cancerous to culture.

I feel the same way. Your are not alone in your sadness.

>caring about comics and vidya
you are one of them you faggot


Didn't they have a big muscle nigga-jap YL at some point? I can't remember the dudes name but he was jacked to fuck

Even my GF doesn't want women in NJPW. She says if Asuka, Kairi, and Io come from Joshi promotions then they're better off keeping it that way. At best, she could tolerate a joint promotion but admits that gets wonky since most fans don't follow multiple promotions.

Are you incel chuds seriously using 'SJW' as a pejorative for people with a fucking modicum of empathy for other humans? Gods this board is completely filled with manchild shitbabies. Fuck you.

Yeah imagine liking childish stuff when you're a child, what a loser lol
Me? I was driving around drunk at age 8 like a real manly motherfucker

>posting on Yea Forums thinking youre better than a comic or vidyafag
kek state of your retardation

I'm so gah dang sick of these white liberals who started watching New Japan last week already trying to shove in their western progressive values into a Japanese company whose main target audience is still the Japanese.

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based af Hank Hill laying down the law

Newsflash: Japan is changing. NJPW needs to cast off its regressive and antiquated views else risk ending up on the wrong side of history. Change is good. Change is necessary.

Attached: Naomi-Osaka-parents-Tamaki-Osaka-Leonard-François-pics.jpg (960x720, 86K)

wat u mean?

>>wrestling peaks for the first time since the 80's
>>Indie comics peak
>>Video games gain mass appeal
>>Cartoons are as good as ever

Attached: nobi1.jpg (711x760, 147K)

>Does this tweet after WWE had a womenless PPV

>Everything I gave a modicum of a fuck about is ruined by SJWs
>Companies found out they could make money off of all these things and mass-market them to the lowest common denominator instead of being passion products by people that actually give a fuck

Ftfy The sjw stuff is just part of the mass appeal pandering that big companies do in their social calculus.

Your post is bait, but here:

There's a huge difference between SJW and actually giving a fuck. Wanting the best for fellow human beings doesn't mean you have to jump on every outrage bandwagon that passes through your feed. Most of these people are the kind that throw likes and retweets at issues without ever actually engaging in any meaningful way. I'm sure there's a lot of idiots in this thread that don't make that distinction, but those are the same kind of people that get mad when they're outside the target market for something.

>WWE books female talent
>Ratings all time low

Why is this a good thing exactly? Women are best as valet's and eye candy nothing else

I'm all about empathy, but in the context of the specific situation we're talking about here - who exactly should we be empathetic for, and why?

Because this isn't a simple scenario with an obvious "opressor-oppressed" dynamic.

In Japan itself, there aren't hordes of joshi wrestlers demanding to get into NJPW (and the bad company just keeping them out), they'd find that idea rather ludicrous.
If you'd actually TALK directly to (instead of just about) the people you pretend to care so much about (but of course it's not like those twitter moaners can actually speak japanese) about what they actually want, they'd tell you "the best way to support us is to watch our own joshi promotions, so that we can grow and one day run the Tokyo Dome on our own (again, not to forget) without needing to be hangers-on to a male company"
Doing that would in fact be the empathetic thing to do, and because twitter moaners can't or won't understand this is why you see them called SJW as all their bitching is just performative virtue signalling from afar without any understanding or regard for what the actual involved parties want.

The worst part is, once these things change they get abandoned by everyone

>booo we demand women to main event stop being sexist, patriarchy!!!!
>um, ok, here's a women's WM main event.
>since you're all here and yelling, will you maybe watch Raw? We're on your side! Plus, it's kind of driving away our base a bit...
>...we don't like wrestling

that's the other part. You may be able to force and shame a single ompany to include more women/minority stuff, but it's much harder to force/shame an entire audience to continue watching if they don't want to.

>then sit down

I wish them luck, bringing new audiences it's always good

KWABed in three (tweet) counts.

Attached: winner.png (221x237, 82K)


These folks should buy Marvelous subscriptions and promote it. Actually support japanese women's wrestling.

stole that gif, thanks bye

we need more niggers in my japanese promotion

Attached: fagwhocallsotherfat.jpg (383x339, 14K)

>Then sit down

Attached: 1485443244515.gif (200x150, 1.42M)

>then sit down
I like Sapp because he's probably one of the few decent Meltzer alternatives, but he got fucking boomed on here.

>then sit down

Attached: I WANT IN THE KING OF THE RING.jpg (1707x746, 134K)

>I want the women to invade a men's promotion exclusively because I want them to be paid equally despite them inevitably becoming low card gimmicks that will actually be paid less than they currently are being paid in their own promotion.
wew, so progressive

How was the main event not enough? Did they complain about something new recently?

AAA and CMLL are way bigger culturally, but theyre far behind even New Japan financially.

>then sit down

Attached: 1560070143275.gif (500x213, 858K)

NJPW aren't going to listen to these sissies right? I fucking hate women's wrestling. Not because it's women, but because there are so few women that can put on the match quality of even an average male wrestler. Why the fuck can't they just stop whining and leave the last remaining good things the fuck alone?

AAA/cmll couldn't draw a Tokyo dome level show, their biggest shows are Dominion tier

New Japan can't draw a Tokyo Dome show either, more like half a dome. Concerts and baseball games easily sell it out.

>demanding something be done without even feigning an idea of where to start
Very cool! It shows you're totally committed to this project!

Tell me the last time AAA or cmll drew 30k+

Every Friday

Dat like ratio. Sapp is going to collect disability from how wrecked he got

Attached: Destroyed.jpg (637x297, 75K)

Arena Mexico doesn't even hold that many people

There was no second December you fucking mongs

That tweet was made in december. I will not be rude to you or demean you for not knowing that since the original poster did not include the tweet's time stamp.

funny thing is, even the actual western joshi twitter (which is ordinarily just as onions, but at least better informed on the subject at hand) is telling those even more clueless "hurr NJPW should have women" fags to fuck off.

>Then sit down
my nigga, you just got dunked on!

I've seen jap women matches, they're fucking dogshit compared to men's matches. It doesn't matter if they take bumps just as big as the men do either, that's only a small part of overall pro wrestling.


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

>IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: 1559667537916.jpg (2048x1365, 351K)

Becky wants yet another Wrestlemania main event for next year even if the WM 35 main event was complete fucking shit

Fucking americans, man.

>then sit down

Attached: thumbsupHana.jpg (563x750, 72K)

Sapp isn't wrong here, desu.

>Muh WWE is so progressive
They should have made an entire show for the woman then. Maybe that might fix their shitty division.
Look at how well Stardom does or JoshiPro

he still is, because he doesn't put his money where his mouth is

>The Nooj should have a womens division!
>I just care so deeply about that women can make good money
>You know that there are actual womens promotions out there you could give your money to right now instead?
>REEEEEEEEE don't @ me

Based Tripping


>not my job

>i am too lazy/cheap to support other companies so please stuff everything under the same roof
this is how you get gargantuan, monopolistic companies like wal-mart or amazon.


That's not gonna happen. There are no women who have enough drawing power. Hell not even Becky has that much drawing power anymore.


Leftshits are unironically perfectly fine with giant corporations so long as they practice 'woke' capitalism.