How did modern wrestlers grow up watching guys like this then come out to be skinny little twinks?

How did modern wrestlers grow up watching guys like this then come out to be skinny little twinks?

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Single parent households

Not all of them did but the ones that did are in control of the biz now. Starting with Cena and Orton.

half of these cunts are fucking manlets you gaylord, randy the jew pofo is not even 6 foot tall lmao

a) not allowed to do coke and roids on the regular anymore
b) a lot of them unironically never played sports or worked out a day in their lives until they decided they wanted to go to wrestling school (see: cm punk's high school photos where he is ridiculously thin, of course he wasn't able to go from that to jacked overnight or even after a few years in the business)

Steroids are banned now

Steroids are seen as bad now.

They saw half those guys die from steroid abuse, drug abuse or alcohol abuse and decided they didn't want that.

Vince ruined all the writing so the best way to get over in modern WWE was workrate, and a decade of diminished returns on workrate wrestlers meant everyone's expected to pull out dangerous, fake-looking, career shortening bullshit every PPV to be a ""good"" wrestler. Seth Rollins has never looked like he kicked someone's ass. That's the bottom line. Wrestling got faster, flippier, more injury prone, and yet it ended up looking faker that ever.

>Vince ruined all the writing so the best way to get over in modern WWE was workrate, and a decade of diminished returns on workrate wrestlers meant everyone's expected to pull out dangerous, fake-looking, career shortening bullshit every PPV to be a ""good"" wrestler

all this is true, but hardly a wwe-exclusive problem. new japan, all japan, and most of the us and uk indies been doing this shit for a while now too, and it's made the profession as a whole both more dangerous and less profitable than it once was

They don't abuse roids

This lel.

Just look at all these fucking "legends". Shitloads of problems related to prolonged steroid or substance abuse.

Wrestling is an art and it has to change and evolve to stay relevant. Nobody wants to watch guys slapping chinlocks on eachother for 30 minutes straight, Cornetty.

And as far as the injuries go. It's a WWE thing and it has nothing to do with flashy looking moves. WWE wrestlers get injured left, right and centre because they're overworked. They're boring as fuck in the ring too.


We are actually at the post modern wrestlers now that grew up watching the indies and listening to Meltzer's every word that more oversaturation of moves is more important.

Most modern wrestlers worshiped guys like Shawn, WCW Cruiserweights, Reckless Youth, etc.

aka no dimes shitters hahahahaha this business is fucked

>Wrestling is an art and it has to change and evolve to stay relevant.
Someone should the ratings and ticket sales that. Also you're a stupid fucking retard for thinking in-ring work either has to be chinlocks or flips.

meanwhile, kenny omega is completely unremarkable in a room full of dweebs and nerds

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The guys in the pic weren't wrestling fans growing up

>that fat nigga on the left of kenny
good lord, how is it even possible to grow that big?

You've been brainwashed by WWE's bullshit into thinking that exciting wrestling is bad. That's all this comes down to. Tell me more about that great "psychology" that you fags love so much. Oh wow, he's working the leg. Such a great story they're telling in the ring.

The water's fucked.

Wrestlers back then actually had athletic sports or bouncer backgrounds. Did coke, roided to the gills, bars, pills, ring rats
Wrestlers now play video games, watch anime and look up to Meltzer as God
"Men" nowadays are bitches and boomers remain king and the ones the casuals and sand niggers care about for their super shows

They were too busy watching Japanese wrestling

>Wrestling is an art
First four words and letting people know you're a pleb. Based.

>a bunch of choreographed high spots
Maybe if you have ADHD.

Because wrestling is for everyone, you bigot

cite on single example of a professional wrestler dying with steroid abuse being the cause of death
>inb4 b-b-but they played a role!