Stardom Documentary

Thoughts on the Stardom Documentary? It's also available on the Viceland homepage, but only for US fags. Seems like it was shot around 2 years ago.

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For me, it's Mayu Iwatani sleeping with Rossy under the same roof.

Already discussed it in the other Stardom threads, but again, the best parts was seeing the backstage segments and just hearing the wrestlers talk about themselves - more of that please, because as a joshi fan this is what interests me the most.
On the downside the reporter was trying to insert himself into the scenes too much (I didn't care for watching him react or his uninformed opinions - didn't even bother to pronounce the names right). Like others said, he tried to use sjw-framing, and it's pretty apparent that when he couldn't get the soundbites he wanted from the japanese wrestlers, he just supplied them himself via his overdubs, which are overall just the same old tropes pretty much every western documentary uses (if you've seen one, you've seen them all: obligatory comments about Japans insular/xenophobic culture, the poor oppressed women, and geez would you look at those creepy old idolfags, sooo problematic, amiriteguyz?). It's not that there aren't interesting conversations to be had, but if you are going there at least try to approach these complex issues in a novel way instead of retreading the same ground, it's just boring

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Gaea Girls is very good, because they do not need to insert themselves into it.

i had the documentary at like ****1/2 level before JAHHWWNN's apperance tore my heart out, if that even matters

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I always cringe when foreigners do Japanese documentaries.

It's always this shit and le wacky Japan

2:45 "Japan's intensive 'joshi peroso' dojo-style training system"


Support joshi puroresu, protect it from western false-fans who's interference in the name of female justice will do more harm than good.

Sup Agua. SAREEE DID IT!!!

John is in the documentary? Yikes. Gonna have to pass.

I only watch WWE so I don't care

What was up with that segment of the girl punk band Ni Hao?

I had nothing to do with Stardom and felt completely out of place.

he's just sitting in the crowd for some crowd shots, he's not part of the documentary

what's the matter, not enough lard for you?

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What minute was this?
I dl'ed a 44min torrent version of the documentary and there was no punk band segment (I've also heard from others saying that it seemed out of place, so I'm probably missing something)

the face of autism and conformity. sad.

paid promotion kek

kek I recognize some of those stardom fans in the audience from Sean's interviews:

Telling that even a purotwitter-fag can produce a less biased portrayal of Stardom fans than the documentary maker by just adhering to the simple rule of "talk more WITH the people (or ideally just let them say their own words) than talk ABOUT the people (overdubbing your own judgements)"

feels good being a piratechad and cucking some fag out of their advertising expenses, based!


you should do it for the mum with a child moonlighting as a wannabe rockstar just to get by. There are alot of blue collar workers like them in Japan struggling to just live a comfortable life :(

maybe she should've gone into Stardom wrestling instead of being a no dimes cringe punk, then I would've cared to watch.

>in my humble opinion it's amongst the greatest wrestling ever, period
so this guy is a weeb waifufag?

nah, he shits too much on the surrounding culture that plays a big part in what MAKES joshi so good, so at best he's trying to position himself as a "n-no guys I a-actually just care about the wrestling, I-I'm not one of THOSE problematic waifufags" to appeal to sjw-purotwitter.
If you look at the keywords from other female-centric episodes and trailers, he's trying to produce a narrative about "overcoming adversity, (patriarchal) oppression, and challenging (gender) norms" etc. so everything gets channeled into that frame, even when it doesn't really fit (apparent in his clumsy attempts to extract the desired soundbites from the japanese wrestlers)

White Women Ruining Stardom

Do not support Stardom or SJW nu-male filmmakers

the entire season got ripped from some Australian streaming service and the notes say the episodes contain a extra segment compared with the US webrip version most are watching

yeah, I just noticed the segment in the OP youtube link. Good to see I didn't miss much.
"let's cut away from our subject and show a random cringe punk band, ask them a stupid question for a one-sentence answer and get back on topic".
Like wtf does that contribute?

The best part is when he tries to goad AZM into saying she's sexually exploited and she just shuts him down by talking about performing.

>these fans are shy harmless men scared of rejection and don't want real relationships with anybody
>buying a gift to support their favorite idol or wrestler is literally the same as raping them

Since the wrestlers make much of their pay on merch commissions, they'd be actually worse off without the otaku buyfags who are being painted as oh so problematic

what happens to Stardom when Rossy believes he's made enough to retire?

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Rossy won't retire, he likes what he does and he knows there's no one in Stardom who can step up to replace him and run the company

Kagetsu will train the wrestlers
Sonny will book the venues and hire foreign talent
Mayu will film the action
AZM will book the card and decide results
Tam will handle the money

You can't deny it's not there, though. You can use all the buzzwords, but that doesn't disqualify legitimate concerns. There are other docs that cover women and idols in Japan, with Japanese critics (men and women, both in and outside the industry) criticizing it for its practices. Nonetheless I am a fan and understand the positives and negatives.

>Tam will handle the money
oh no...
You were doing so well. And then you fucked up.