>you think a muslim would be the farthest thing from an anti semite
this is it
the is the absolute most retarded post in the history of twitter
You think a muslim would be the farthest thing from an anti semite
Read about Ferdinand, Isabella and Selim.
>Two threads about some literal who Twitterposter
Really letting them get to you on there, huh?
thanks for the bump
Well, Muslims are Semites
This is the most retarded shit I've found on the internet in many years and I've been posting on Yea Forums(nel) for years
Dox that faggot and take him to the woods.
Holy fuck. Is he shoot retarded?
Kek, what a bitch
If Muslims are Semites because their priests ead Arabic, then King Henry VIII was a Roman because his priests read Latin.
Muslim is not a race dipshit
...is English not your first language or what?
Neither are jews
Ashkenazi "Jews" aren't.Semetic. They're Khazar Turks who adopted Babylonian Talmudism
Jews are an ethnicity and a religion, that's why there are jewish atheists.
True, arabs are more semitic that them.
They like to believe they are though
also this
>If Muslims are Semites
>Semite is a ethnicity
>Muslim is a religion
dude you are a fucking retard
I thought it was a meme that these lgbt sjws were retarded and had no clue about the cultures/religions they defended.
Also, unrelated, but I fucking love cocaine lads
based, how stepped on is your shit?
Is this bait? Even if you don't know English I'm not the one who said that. My post is a reply to someone who said that. "If" means if.
Checks out
>you'd think
meme it
it could be the next "imagine my shock"
Please stop embarrassing yourself and go learn English.
Again read this post properly
>not an anti-semite
how delusional are leftcucks, really?
Arabs are unequivocally more Semitic than the vast majority of people that identity as a Jew. Manny cannot be antisemitic
nope they're just the original amerimutts
I assume stepped on means how much crap is mixed in to it and it doesn't seem like a lot. Was cheap as fuck too, $64 cucknada bucks per gram. Love when my heart feels like it's gonna give up at any moment
Did Mansoor actually say anything anti-Semitic or does this guy just think everyone on Yea Forums is anti-Semitic?
not bad for leaf money. Just pace yourself a bit champ. A gram won't kill you but remember the high's a bit fleeting.
I bought 5 grams, did around 2 on Tuesday and I'm doing around 1-1.5 tonight, it was supposed to be a gift but it's too tempting sitting in my room
That's a hell of a gift. Who's the special lady and why didnt you invite them over already? Bitches will literally fuck for a few bumps.
It was meant to be for my brother and maybe some for his wife too, he can be happy with 1.5-2g though. Hopefully I control myself and don't finish it all tonight
You're a nice brother, but im going to tell you now unless you see him tomorrow there won't be shit left. You know that and I do too lol.
Yeah I'm trying to leave work early and go to his place tomorrow night, hopefully my supervisor lets me go. Do you think a line every 10 minutes is too much? I usually have someone pacing me because I have no patience
user reply one more time before I end up ODing
nigga i'll remind you not everyone on Yea Forums has no life. a line every ten isn't bad no. The problem will come from the total amount. Don't do the rest of the bag tonight if its only your second time. Even then 3-4 grams to the head is a lot for a single person.
It's not my second time I just usually do it with people that stop me trying to kill myself. Thanks for replying friend
You'll be fine. You already smart enough to know the shit's dangerous if used stupidly. Do yourself the favor and grab a few beers or something to put your ass to sleep tonight so you arent tempted to dip in before tomorrow.