Who realistically will he allow to retire him faggots?

Who realistically will he allow to retire him faggots?

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His son and heir

I was hoping he'd beat Orton and then the third Evolution member after Batista at WM and Ortonbat SSD challenges him to a return match at SummerSlam.



No one because his boring No DQ matches and shitty enterances are the only thing that makes him feel like a real man.

Fall to a manlet? ohnononono

Seth and only Seth

No one. He will win his retirement match.

Adam Cole.

Wrestles himself in a no DQ iron man match.


He beat Roman once already. Fans loved it

Only options I can see.
Of nothing in particular.

Too much of a manlet for HHH to let this happen

See above.

I could see this happening. Dream is young young enough and would be in prime position to need the rub from this. Also amazing irony in Dream going over after HHH's program with Booker

May be retired before Haitch

>Implying Cunter will do the job in his last match



The young buck Shane McMahon

Hopefully Adam Cole.

Kenny Omega

>Best post

Johnny Gargano

This. I don't ever see HHH jobbing out to retirement.

You shut your mouth

Randy Orton
And you know it’s true


Austin comes out of retirement because Cunter pays him 10 mill

How can you say I go about things the wrong way?


Charolette Flair

Wrestlers don't "get retired." Name one wrestling retirement match that stuck.

Eddie Guerrero

Shoot gonna be a woman wrestler. gonna put her over huge. then he'll be the ultimate cuck and will ride off into the sunset.

>doesnt even know how to green text
Ya have to go back

Chris Benoit.

Adam Cole


He already did that with Ronda. She's the only one big enough for him to let get over on him. It's done.


Macho Man

Razor Ramon chico


Manny, once he hits H with ding-dong diddly driver

Owen Hart

Owen Hart

Once Vince dies and he has the chair, he pushes a poorly-planned baby face that nobody likes (his own Roman Reigns). That's who it'll be.
Then a year later he backs out of his double-dog swear, really guys, this time I mean retired, promise.

Mr. Perfect

and becomes heavyweight champion again

He'll rebook punk, beat him clean, the go out on his back after facing Xpac

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Hall, Nash, HBK, Pac, The New Age Outlaws, Randy Orton, Bautista, and the ghost of Ric Flair in 9 on 1 no holds barred sledgehammer match


Pac and tensei



Somebody from NXT obviously.

Shayna Blazer confirmed

Macho Man. He comes back and says his death was a work to get trips to drop his guard and think his little lady was safe. He's come back for her sweet distended asshole. Trips isnt having it and books a no holds barred, iron match for Stephanies taint. The match goes over the one hour mark and becomes the first wrestlemania match to continue in the background while the other matches go on.

FYI the match is nothing but chest chops and headlocks. Meltzer gives it 8 stars

Marty Jannetty

he'll offer hogan or flair beaucoup bucks for one last match, then he'll pin them clean abd announce his retirement.

or he could do this w dwayne and austin and go over them for the definitive defeat. after all these years you know hes still seething that he wasnt as popular and successful as they were during those booming years even though he was often in the same picture

Not according to his DVD. According to that he was just as big and important to the Attitude era as Rock and Stone Cold.


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He has someone dress up as Harley Race.

Mansoor at the last SSD

Finn Balod
Adam Cole
Velveteen Dream
Kenneth Ohmega

Booker T. He finally puts him over

It's going to be Charlotte in the first ever mixed gender match.
I'm serious.
He'll wrestle Ric in a few years, beat him and Charlie wants revenge and beats him with a pedigree

Austin and that's basically it.

The person to retire HHH isn't wrestling yet, they might not even be alive

Why not poor David Flair instead?

if Vince ever actually gets behind someone from NXT again, HHH will put them over. He would have put Finn over if Finn's shoulder hadn't dislocated.


Joey Ryan

Curtis Axel, One Last Time.

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The Fabulous Moolah


Shawn Michaels

Whoever retires Triple H will hit 3 finishers in a row on him for the pin, but to sate his ego Paul will slide his foot under the rope to make it look like he didn't really lose. This will allow Cole to proclaim:

Good idea: Matt Riddle

What will actually happen: He will go over in his retirement match

Or post match beat down with kayfabe sledgehammer after the same finish and the Game claims he cant keep his cool in the ring and be CEO at the same time