Vince Says WWE Is 'Broken'

OH NONONO....but I thought Vince was still infallible at 73 and at the top of his game. Wtf E-anons, did you lie to me? Who is this "Moxley" guy?

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until I see video clips of vince actually saying it's it's just click bait by queers trying to rope easily delusioned dumbfucks with false realities. fuck that fake ass vid

Punk said the same shit

They gave the source and they're not some cheap clickbait site.
Sorry user.

And, btw, if you truly believe that the system is perfectly fine as it is in E and doesn't need to change, then you are just a drone.

linking cuck culture should be a bannable offense

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>what a bunch of cucks wrestling

opinion discarded.


>someone backstage supposedly says that the system is broken
>they also say that even Vince agrees with them
Do any of you ever get tired of perpetuating misleading headlines?

just post the source, this is probably your shitty channel that no one cares about

>E-drones on damage control as usual
Notice also how almost nobody tackles what's being said from the WON and just attack all the online sites that just transmit the news from this week’s Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

It's quite obvious that WWE is not what it used to be and needs to return to its roots, as far as wrestling goes. The male talent is in low morale and sterilized. No ideas, nothing. The women do better. Every famous wrestling guy agrees with that.

Bump cause this is big news

Hello newfriend, Cuckculture is trash no matter what.

>implying that only WhatCulture transmit these news
Your autistic hateboner shows, but that's irrelevant. What's relevant are the news. Sorry to burst your eco-bubble drone. Vince has lost it.

jesus fuck look at that room

You should have opened with literally any of those. You worked yourself using cuckculture. This is not a difficult concept.

at least give me a fucking timestamp you faggot, i dont want to hear two simps babbling nonsense

I just focus on the news first and foremost, not the carrier. Didn't know that Yea Forums had SO much hate for whatculture.

Sorry user, I thought I had done it right. It starts from 1:14.

he did retard

>posting basedculture videos not starring Simon Miller.

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They don't deserve Simon. He is actually likeable for starters.
